My good results have slipped a touch

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed T2 in January with a 55 reading. On May 1st I got this down to 42 which was a challenge.
I have just taken another test and I am now at 45 because I haven't been as good a boy as I should! I have more or less given up bread, pasta, rice and potatoes and I quite enjoy the healthier diet. Unfortunately I like alcohol and don't like walking in the rain.
So its back on the fish and beans and salad and teetotal most of the time now and I will get a test in September before I go on holiday and ruin it!
Dispiriting, but at least you know why your level has risen a bit. It's still down 10 points on your original diagnosis though, so you haven't completely lost it!!!
Best of luck with being a good boy...think of your holiday!
Keep at it @lordburnside

45mmol/mol is nothing to be sniffed at! But importantly you are aware of a few things that may have been involved in that very slight up-tick.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and it’s important to find a management strategy that you can stick with (which can involve a few treats, and periods of relaxation) 🙂
Thanks. Yesterday no alcohol. Food was fish, lentils etc all good stuff but then I had some fruit.
8pm a bit peckish because of the fruit - ate 5 Rich Tea biscuits!
I will try and do better today.
Thanks. Yesterday no alcohol. Food was fish, lentils etc all good stuff but then I had some fruit.
8pm a bit peckish because of the fruit - ate 5 Rich Tea biscuits!
I will try and do better today.
You could have had some yoghurt or cream with your fruit and you may not have been peckish by 8pm.
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