My Friends Hypo...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My friend, Susan, who has been T1 for 36 years, had a hypo last night whilst driving and crashed her car, she has a broken arm and leg. It happened right outside the hospital, she dosent remember anything about it (seemingly her bs was 1.5) but she had to be cut out of the car and it went on fire. The paramedics said the only thing that saved her life was her seatbelt and the airbags.

Thankfully nobody else was hurt but she is upset as she has good control and doesnt have frequent hypoes, so doesnt understand why it happened she tested before leaving work and was fine and then during the drive home she just hypoed.

She is a religious person so if there is anyone else here that is religious please say a little prayer for her, thanks.
She must have been so scared. She's so lucky to be alive, I hope that her breaks heal quickly.

I've had a hypo whilst driving before even though I checked it before hand you just never know whether it's going to drop xxx
That is scary, glad to hear she made it out of the crash, and I hope she is on the mend soon.
Bless her, thats well scary. Will be thinking of her x
How awful for her! I hope that the breaks aren't too bad and that she's not in pain. :( Please pass on my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
How awful for her! I hope that the breaks aren't too bad and that she's not in pain. :( Please pass on my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

How dreadful- I hope she is ok. When she is better and recouping- get her to sign onto the forum while she is resting up! We can help cheer her up xx
adding my prayers

hi just adding my prayers and thoughts for your friend.
it must have been scary waking up and finding out what happened but also when she recovers having courage to get back in the car and drive again will probably be scary.

much love to her and yourself,

What a scary accident. I hope the breaks are not too bad and your friend makea a speedy and complete recovery. When she is able get her to sign on to our forum and we will cheer her up and give her moral support.
Poor, poor lady. I'm not exactly religious, but will pray for her speedy recovery anyway, in my own way.
Many thanks for all your concern/comments/prayers. I have told her about all you fantastic people on here many a time but she dosent even own a pc 🙄... I am trying to drag her into the 21st centuary... Thanks again xx
Felt bad enough after my hypo yesterday nothing compared to your friend. I hope she is soon feeling much better
Joan (Type 2 on insulin)
Just a wee update...

Had a great day out with my pal today... She got her plasters off last week (after only 5 weeks) and the consultant is very happy with her progress. She still has to wear a double tubigrip bandage on her leg but can walk well with a walking stick and is hoping to be back at work as soon as 2 weeks time! But...

She got a letter in today and because of the crash she has had her licence revoked indefinatley. She can understand why as it was a bad crash and she was very lucky that nobody else was injured but she has been driving for almost 30 years without incident and she has all her readings and can prove that she dosent usually suffer hypos...

Thanks for reading, just wanted to let you know how she was getting on as you were all very kind and concerned x I have tried to persuade her to join the forum but she says it is just not her kinda thing... I will keep bugging her to join LOL.
It's nice to hear that your friend is OK.

Just keep bugging her until she can't stand it anymore and joins😛:D
It's nice to hear that your friend is OK.

Just keep bugging her until she can't stand it anymore and joins😛:D

Ditto Caz ty for the update pleased your friend is ok.x
Thanks for the update Caz, glad to hear she is on the mend 🙂 Tell her we'll be round if she doesn't join! 😉
Wow that sounds really scary! I hope the breaks are not too bad and heal quickly, send her my best wishes for a fast recovery x
Thanks for the update. I'm glad your friend is getting better.
She got a letter in today and because of the crash she has had her licence revoked indefinatley. She can understand why as it was a bad crash and she was very lucky that nobody else was injured but she has been driving for almost 30 years without incident and she has all her readings and can prove that she dosent usually suffer hypos...


I'm not 100% about this, but I think it is possible to get a licence back - depends on wording of DVLA letter, evidence supplied by licence holder, support from medical team etc. In the meantime, loss of licence on medical grounds (as opposed to legal) can mean free bus passes etc. Worth looking into, as the situation varies between England / Scotland / Wales / Northern Ireland and within local council areas in those countries.
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