My friend on the telly today

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes

A friend from the email list of parents of children with diabetes was on GMTV this morning. She was supposed to be on the sofa but was cancelled last minute last night probably due to fact one of the GMTV lot had had a baby!!!!

Non pumpers will see very quickly Anna drawing the insulin up into the reservoir and they will see Anna inserting a cannula into their toddler. This is an easy set for those that know what I'm talking about and does not have an inserter and the tiny needle stays in and is not removed.
"the potentially deadly form of diabetes" 😱 scary.

Glad this is on youtube already because I was annoyed it was on during the only day I work 😉
thanks adrienne i asked michael to look the web all day very interesting but too short
... very interesting but too short

I agree! far too short. It's a shame they weren't on the sofa, the interview might have been longer.

They must have had a frantic clean-up when they heard the crew were coming round instead :D
Thanks for posting the link Adrienne! I did see it on the 8 o'clock news, but then wondered if I'd missed the longer segment. One thing that struck me was the fact that the reporter finished up by saying that she got Type 1 through no fault of her own - and making it sound like the 80% of Type 2s who are overweight at diagnosis brought it on themselves! Maybe one day they'll stop blaming ALL people for getting diabetes!

A lovely little girl who deserved more air time just before World Diabetes day than the in-house backslapping for the weather girl's baby that replaced her.
Such a shame she was cancelled from the "sofa", I know someone who works at GMTV so am going to have a "word" or 10!
On a positive note, at least they showed something.
Yes that definitely stood out to me too Northe 😱 Not very nice at all.
Good little watch, and I suppose good to get some air time, however agree a bit scary with the number of times a word like death/fatal was used! And the blaming of T2!???
Cor, I'm new to this diabetes lark and even I noticed the mistakes, has anyone thought of complaining? So the fact type 2 runs in my family, I had/have PCOS, and had gestational diabetes weren't contributing factors were they not - just the fact I'm a big fatty fatso and brought it on myself. Grr.

Well done to little Tess and her family though :D
It's so hard isn't makes you wonder if the media will ever get it right? Trouble is, for us parents, the amount of times we've had to correct media articles - which i did recently for Radio 1s Newsbeat about type 1 - the Change4life campaign; and tv programmes and have to explain what type 1 is for our children and that it is unpreventable etc... the fact that they mentioned today that it isn't related to anything that people did is brilliant but on the flip side it's not far on the type 2s.

Will it ever be done right??
Oh Adrienne! I watched it this morning at 6.15am! I immediately homed in on the medtronic pump- but also what a SERIOUSLY CUTE todler she was, and it turns out to be a friend of yours? 🙂

Such a shame she was cancelled from the sofa. GMTV is well known as one of the best media forms to communicate health news and stories to a very captive audience....they probably would have done brilliantly.

I agree with you Becca, there are some really gripey things the reporter said that the world should know by now...

Adrienne I thought they did great- were they pleased with the report?


Yes they were pleased with it as it got the main messages across, ie its not the kids fault they have type 1. Becca is right, as parents we campaign long and hard to get people to differentiate between 1 and 2. None of us ever underestimate how serious type 2 is and that not all people with type 2 could have done anything to try and prevent it but type 1 is not preventable at all. We also realise that type 2 is not always to do with weight but the difference is that type 1 never is to do with weight and the kids get bullied about this so it was a great piece in respect of that.

They also said about a recent report. That bit was rubbish and apparently JDRF have put something on their website about that. There is a report but it wasn't recent !!

The actual interview was much much longer plus there was supposed to be the sofa bit. We also wanted JDRF mentioned and is possible the UK Children with Diabetes Advocacy Group but all in all it was a good piece and its a start.

Anna was nervous but her daughters are gorgeous. The child with D is just adorable, they are under the same hospital as us as well.

I think Becca, Bev and I are very proud of our friend.
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