My first HbA1c after diagnosis....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Earlier today I booked a blood test for 4th July to do my first 3 month hba1c since T2 diagnosis. That test showed a reading of 80.

Feel a bit apprehensive about what to expect. I know I've put the work in but still have that icky feeling. Could anyone give me an idea what a 'good' / 'OK going in the right direction' number would be? ie what range should I be looking at?
Earlier today I booked a blood test for 4th July to do my first 3 month hba1c since T2 diagnosis. That test showed a reading of 80.

Feel a bit apprehensive about what to expect. I know I've put the work in but still have that icky feeling. Could anyone give me an idea what a 'good' / 'OK going in the right direction' number would be? ie what range should I be looking at?
I think it is very hard to say as it will depend on how much you have changed your diet and if that and the medication you have been taking if any has been effective.
Everybody will be different. People will only be able to say from their own experience. I went from 50mmol/mol to 42 in 3 months but that was no meds and 70g carbs per day.
Sometimes slower is better, less likely to get issues with eyes and nerves, as long as you are going in the right direction i.e. down then be pleased with what it is and don't get disheartened if it is not as good as you hope but it will then give you a chance to see if you can tighten up the diet anymore.
Earlier today I booked a blood test for 4th July to do my first 3 month hba1c since T2 diagnosis. That test showed a reading of 80.

Feel a bit apprehensive about what to expect. I know I've put the work in but still have that icky feeling. Could anyone give me an idea what a 'good' / 'OK going in the right direction' number would be? ie what range should I be looking at?
I agree with @Leadinglights. It's hard to say what a 'good' result would be because everyone is different and it depends on how effective their diabetes management has been, but anything lower than where you started from would be welcome news I expect..

Mine was 114 at diagnosis and I'd got it down to 56 at my 3-month review by losing some weight, sticking rigidly to a low carb diet and increasing my exercise levels, but I was also self-testing every day (fasting and post-prandial) and consequently was seeing signs that things seemed to be heading in the right direction. I just didn't know how far until I got my HbA1c result.
Earlier today I booked a blood test for 4th July to do my first 3 month hba1c since T2 diagnosis. That test showed a reading of 80.

Feel a bit apprehensive about what to expect. I know I've put the work in but still have that icky feeling. Could anyone give me an idea what a 'good' / 'OK going in the right direction' number would be? ie what range should I be looking at?
Hi I started with a reading of 81, which came down to 52 after 3 months of metformin, cutting a lot of biscuits and crisps etc out of my diet. I have reduced the amount of pasta, rice, potatoes and especially bread, but not actively counted the carbs consumed.
I have lost over a stone, without trying. I have drank beer, but am sometimes substituting that for dry white or red wine. I do eat some bread, but am slowly trying things like Greek yoghurt with berries for breakfast rather than toast. I am pleased that I am heading in the right direction, but there are more improvements that I see can be made. I didn’t want a radical change of diet that wasn’t sustainable in the long term. If you have put the work in be pleased as I am sure the right blood test results will follow. It is a lot to take in and I was also concerned that the blood test result would not be as low as I wanted. If you are testing then those figures will come down over time which should reflect in a lower hB1aC result.
Thanks everyone for the reassuring words..... have been having a bit of a head wobble in the lead up to this test.

I feel now in terms of excersise and diet I'm where I want to be. I'm concerned that my diet is going to negatively dictate my life going forward ie I can't have that slice of birthday cake or I had some toast for breakfast so no sandwich at lunch.

Anyway, 50ish seems like a good starting point going forward.
I think if you can get to where you want to be then you can probably afford the occasional extra treat in the future. I'm very curious whether mine will be as good as my first post-diagnosis one (5 months after as GP didn't arrange it at the 3 month mark for some reason) as I have relaxed a little more since achieving both that and the clothes size I wanted to get to, but I still try in general to only have 1 or 2 days a week higher carbs (which was the guidance I was given when I had my initial appointment and I said I wanted to try low carb diet to manage it).
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