My eye appointment

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So I went yesterday to have my annual eye check up - in my opinion the worst part of the yearly diabetes stuff. I hate not being able to see and I always end up with a headache. Anyway, I was waiting to be squirted when the nurse came over and the person sitting next to me said that it was his first ever eye appointment and what he should expect. Unfortunately the nurse was young and new and was not quite sure but as soon as she got up I said that I had heard what he had just said and that I would take him through what is going to happen, just so that he is not too scared (I still remember my first eye test and I would have been happy if someone had just let me know what to expect - good and bad). We started chatting and realised that we think we know each other. The part of London where I live is quite small and almost like a village so it is conceivable that we knew each other. Turns out, he is my pharmacist! Small world. He says to me that he has been dishing out diabetes medicine for years but did not know too much about it so I took him through the gains of controlling and the pitfalls of not controlling (had a DKA myself but did not scare him too much with that side of things). He seemed happier by the end of our chat. He is only D&E at the moment so he still has a way to go and only diagnosed for a couple of months.

Anyway, I just wanted to say, isn't the diabetes world small and you never know who will be inducted.
Hi Sarah, thanks for sharing that - I'm sure that it made a big difference to him. One of my neighbours was diagnosed last autumn and I regularly have a chat with him and explain the various tests and medication and what they do and mean - I can tell that it helps him to talk about it. He's 72 this week, and unlikely to join a group or a forum like this. I also found out from him that another neighbour has diabetes. Something like 1 in 12 of the population has diabetes, so there are a lot of us about! 😱
Hi Sarah small world huh, maybe you should give him a nudge to join this place it cant harm and i bet he would get alot from it.x
when i was 1st dx i was working for a very small design firm ...3 of us !! my boss was T2 on insulin and the other young assistants' DAD was T2 ! didnt help me out tho ...the boss still sacked me !!
Hi Sarah small world huh, maybe you should give him a nudge to join this place it cant harm and i bet he would get alot from it.x

I hadn't thought of that - oops 😱. I will have a chat with him the next time I am in the pharmacy and let him know. I know that he will have a lot of questions that you guys can help with.

Plus, it is great having diabetics in your life. Sometimes I feel like the only one in the world until I log on to this forum!!
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