My Diabetes My Way

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Scottish diabetics can register with the MyDiabetesMyWay website which gives them access to their treatment history and records. It gives us a chance to study them at our own pace and gain a better understanding of what's happening and what services we should have access to in order to have a say in our treatment. NB: It's not your full medical record, just the diabetes bits and related test results.

I tried a few years ago when the initiative first started, but tripped over Doctor Idiot who didn't agree with it. She 'lost' the letter. Sigh. Now though, you can join online and no longer need your GP's cooperation, and I've done so. It's well worth it. Once registered you should find records of tests carried out and you can see which ones are missing. There are places for you to add your own input and record things such as diet and exercise, appointments, BG readings and more.

If you haven't already signed up, you really should.
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I am registered with it as well, it's really useful. As well as all my blood test and blood pressure results there are a lot of good web links. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is eligible - think that means anyone in Scotland at the moment.
Thanks Alison, I never even knew this existed, my dr has never mentioned it. I've just sent off for the form
We're adding the details to the Useful Links page for Newbies, so hopefully, more people will come to use it. I really can't understand why they only rolled it out here, it's been going around 5 years now and is pretty darned useful.
It is good and I SO wish we had it since I very often don't 'take in' results they reel off to you in 30 seconds, and being as you can only ring the surgery for test results on Tuesdays between 12 noon and 2 pm - it's an absolute PITA, frankly. Plus the hospital results would also be available I presume? which otherwise, you have to wait till your next clinic apt in 6 months time - by which time you've had another ream of tests done anyway.
Thats a good idea. I like the fact that I can access all my test results through the online system through my surgery (I'm in Essex) and there are likes on there to explain what all the results mean.
I have registered, but haven't accessed it yet. GP was also ok about it
Thanks Alison, just got my username and password through yesterday and been in to have a look about, really good to see all my previous results bit scary though.
Everyone that uses it (who I only know anyway through diabetes forums LOL) loves it.

Would be a darn good thing to have DUK try to get it extended to England and Wales - I think.

Alan ??????? @Northerner
GP practices and consultants are all so different.

We can phone the Practice for results on any day
The Diabetes Consultant emails us our hospital results when he gets them.

I think we are quite fortunate round here.
Registered on the site when diagnosed and find it helpful and it can be motivational viewing your stats etc. Biggest issue I have with it is the space between clinical tests . Not even certain how regular Hba1c test are but the info at the Desmond day suggested it could be 12 months!
Registered on the site when diagnosed and find it helpful and it can be motivational viewing your stats etc. Biggest issue I have with it is the space between clinical tests . Not even certain how regular Hba1c test are but the info at the Desmond day suggested it could be 12 months!
It really depends on a combination of things: The CCG's normal practice or the patient's needs/management. HbA should be done at a minimum once a year, but can be quarterly if there are problems.
[QUOTE="Diadav99, Desmond day suggested it could be 12 months![/QUOTE]

I think that's how my dr works if your numbers are good, I've never been good for 12 months, Yet, but i'm on the right track now
no it shouldn't be there, must have been on my clipboard don't know how to retrieve it?
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