my dad

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
My poor old dad (nearly 80) has a chest infection ( he only has 1 lung - one was taken out at age 14 due to TB) and is on antibiotics. He is very very slim and he cant eat because the antibiotics have given him mouth thrush. Do any of you know any remedies for mouth thrush? Thanks. Bev
Hi all,
My poor old dad (nearly 80) has a chest infection ( he only has 1 lung - one was taken out at age 14 due to TB) and is on antibiotics. He is very very slim and he cant eat because the antibiotics have given him mouth thrush. Do any of you know any remedies for mouth thrush? Thanks. Bev

plain yogurt until he can see gp for anti fungul oral gel ..very common reaction with anti biotics xxx
plain yogurt until he can see gp for anti fungul oral gel ..very common reaction with anti biotics xxx

Thanks AM - we did say live yogurt - but didnt know about the gel - so will tell him tomorrow. I feel so sorry for him, he is normally very fit and walks miles a day - but this has really taken it out of him.🙂Bev
Hi Bev ...

Oooo ... your poor dad .. bless .. nothing worse than thrush ... hope he feels better soon .. 🙂

As has been suggested live yogurt is one of the best cures for thrush

Hi Bev,

sorry your Dad is having a rough time. I was wondering if you might be able to get some mouth wash - have a word with a pharmacist but I think there are some that fight thrush.
Hi Bev,

Bless him, I don't know anything about mouth thrush but just wanted to say I hope he gets better soon xxx
Hi Bev best wishes to your dad GWS bevs dad x x x
Aah -thanks everyone.🙂

I rang my sister this morning and asked her to get the live yoghurt and if that doesnt work take him to a walk-in centre. They live 200 miles from me so i cant do much for him.:(Bev
Hi Bev,

Candida is pretty simple to deal with, what needs to be done is to get some more so called "good bacteria" (his normal flora, this has been wiped out by the antibiotics) into him to help deal with the Candida species in his mouth. If that fails then he should ask the doctors for some anti fungals, some of these can be be bought over the counter but I'd really recommend that he sees a medic as they will hopefully know best.

The best of luck,

Short of an oral anti-fungal spray, I'd recommend the live yoghurt too.
I got oral thrush after a course of antibiotics and got some Daktarin oral gel from the pharmacy which cleared it up, I also took a fluconazole tablet for extra luck lol..
Update : my sister went to pharmacy and they gave a one-off tablet for thrush. Upon reading the leaflet - dad became very upset because it was explaining all about sexual thrush aswell! He got very agitated and i had to ring him and tell him it doesnt mean that he has a sexual type thrush - they are just from the same family of fungal infections etc.......Phew!😱 He agreed to take it in the end so hopefully it will have made some impact by tomorrow!🙂Bev
Aw Bev ... Bless ... sending your dad big hugs ... If it helps any babies can get thrush in their mouths .. from either bottle or breast feeding ... Thrush can also appear in folds of the skin ... say for example under a womans breast etc ... Unfortunately the mouth is one of the breeding places .. it thrives in the conditions ....

oh Bev - I can so understand how what you mean about your Dad

on top of everything else my Dad now has (and I am no doctor) what sounds like a UTI. He has, well let's not go into it, symtoms.......

His spirits are slow low right now - I am really truly worried about him

He needs to see Doc tomoro, sort out this UTI, see if the antibiotics for the severe chest infection have cleared it up and then his 1st diabetic clinic on Wed.

I think too there is an element of depression. He said earlier on the 'phone, just shoot me....................

Why in the twilight years, do they have to suffer so much

Let's hope everything works out OK
Hazel, I would imagine that your dads levels are all over the place as he is only newly diagnosed isnt he? Hopefully when he has seen his doctor things will settle. Are you going with him to the doctors? If so, it might be a good idea to tell him about the depression and his UTI, just in case your dad forgets to.🙂Bev
Thanks Bev - I am indeed gpoing with him
If that doesn't work there is something called Nystatin, it's a liquid that you swish round your mouth and then swallow, use it 4 times a day. I think it might be prescription only though.
When a friends little boy had oral thrush after antibiotics, she was advised to give him live natual yoghurt and palin water and avoid as much refined sugar and salt as possible. Hope your dad is better soon.
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