My bg readings for today

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
2hrs after lunch 18.0
before evening meal 10.4
2hrs after 18.6
last test before bed 22.1😱
all i have eaten to day is ham roll for lunch and for my main meal i had salad .
Tomorrow cant come soon enough for me,i just hope the insulin helps.
Hi carole maybe its the stress hun you may be worrying about tomorrow.

Good luck with it hun xx
You are proably right steff i was at hospital today as well for my eye screening,you know i have been going to the hospital every year for this but last month we noticed the van at the doctors surgery across the road from us so i asked the women if i could go there in future even though im no registered at that doctors and she said yes so that was lucky.
Hi Carolanne,

Just thought I would let you know that I was started on Lantus Insulin in May of this year, and I have found it has been much betta for me, my control is much improved and am only injecting once a day so far!

Do hope all goes well on your journey, good luck,

Shirl x
You are proably right steff i was at hospital today as well for my eye screening,you know i have been going to the hospital every year for this but last month we noticed the van at the doctors surgery across the road from us so i asked the women if i could go there in future even though im no registered at that doctors and she said yes so that was lucky.

Thats a result then hun , good luck again for today xx
Well im home and had a realy good meeting with the nurse,she has put me on levemir 10 units before bed and novorapid 6units 3 times a day,she wants me to test 4 times a day and then i see her again in 2 weeks.oh she gave me the novo4 pens although im not sure what difference the pen type makes.
welcome to the club..........😉
Thanks Novo wish i could say im pleased to join the club,i wish i could turn the clock back i would of made sure i got better care long before it came to this.
Dont mind me i just got a major dose of feeling sorry for my self,not helped by raging headache and sore eyes.
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