My BG levels are creeping up

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Over the last week or so my BS have risen slightly and i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. My 2 hour post meal readings often go into double figures, like from 7.8 to 10 or sometimes 11. I have come to a bit of a standstill with my weight loss since xmas but i'm not really doing anything different with my food. Shall i just see how it goes for the next week or so or do you think i should go and see my DN? my next diabetic review is not until June
Over the last week or so my BS have risen slightly and i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. My 2 hour post meal readings often go into double figures, like from 7.8 to 10 or sometimes 11. I have come to a bit of a standstill with my weight loss since xmas but i'm not really doing anything different with my food. Shall i just see how it goes for the next week or so or do you think i should go and see my DN? my next diabetic review is not until June
Hi again Carina,

What are you eating that sends your blood glucose levels into double figures?

Best wishes - John
i try to watch my carbs and try to keep them at around 40g per meal but i have noticed that i have been feeling very hungry lately so a few times i've nibbled while waiting for my meal to cook. Also i have not had porridge for a few days and for lunch i have started taking sandwiches but i only have a couple of slices of bread and i use Burgen low GI bread or use rye bread. I haven't been eating much fruit though also i have not been going for my 30 min walks (i did a nice long walk tonight though) for about a week as i've just been too busy (although that shouldn't be an excuse) - any suggestions?
i try to watch my carbs and try to keep them at around 40g per meal but i have noticed that i have been feeling very hungry lately so a few times i've nibbled while waiting for my meal to cook. Also i have not had porridge for a few days and for lunch i have started taking sandwiches but i only have a couple of slices of bread and i use Burgen low GI bread or use rye bread. I haven't been eating much fruit though also i have not been going for my 30 min walks (i did a nice long walk tonight though) for about a week as i've just been too busy (although that shouldn't be an excuse) - any suggestions?

Metformin is the most obvious thing but why not examine your diet again and go back to pre-Christmas regime first.
Have you read this succinct review of testing strategy ....
Over the last week or so my BS have risen slightly and i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. My 2 hour post meal readings often go into double figures, like from 7.8 to 10 or sometimes 11. I have come to a bit of a standstill with my weight loss since xmas but i'm not really doing anything different with my food. Shall i just see how it goes for the next week or so or do you think i should go and see my DN? my next diabetic review is not until June

Dear carina,

I think Peter has it right, go back to what you were doing when it was all OK. It is worth noting that the amount of carbs you can tolerate will decrease as time goes by. I am at the stage whereby my carb intake is now much less than it used to be - after 16 years.

Warmest Regards Dodger
I think the walks are important Carina. You have said yourself that since you stopped them your numbers have gone up.

For example last night I was 8.9 after dinner and I went out for a 30 minute walk and was 5.3 when I got back.

My doctor who s diet only T2 had the same thing happen to her after her knee operation. She had to do lots of exercises on them and her numbers were far better.
You're right, what i will do this week is make sure i get my 30 min walk like i used to do, carry on with my 30-40g carbs per main meal (i have much less carbs for breakfast and lunch) and take it from there, i will also start counting calories again to lose weight - will let you know how i get on, thanks for the adive people 🙂
All is clear now, i know why my levels have been creeping up over the last few days - i've got a stinker of a cold :( - isn't the body clever in pre-warning you? off the the chemist to get some remedies
I have also found that high levels can appear several days prior to symptoms starting, hope you manage to get something make you feel a little better.
yes, i see what you mean, i noticed my levels had crept up even though i hadn't changed much in the way of diet (maybe i hadn't gone for my usual 30 min walk every day) but this was happening until my cold was full blown which was today, will be glad when they get back on an even level again.
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