Must make a list...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
We're going away for a week this weekend and I definitely need to make a list of pump supplies to take. We had a few days away in March - the first time away since getting my pump - and I forgot a lot of things. I did manage but it wasn't ideal. So pen and paper out and putting together a tick list to make sure it all goes with me this time!🙄
Good idea. Don't forget your injection pen just in case! And batteries. Have a lovely time 🙂. Where are you off to?
A list is a godsend when going away. I have a big list which I print off my PC before a trip and everything has to get a tick before we can set off. I have a tatty re-usable post-it which says 'pens in fridge' which I stick to the front of the fridge the night before we set off. A bit OCD I think bit I've been caught out before too!! The list seems to get bigger every trip too🙄
A list is a godsend when going away. I have a big list which I print off my PC before a trip and everything has to get a tick before we can set off. I have a tatty re-usable post-it which says 'pens in fridge' which I stick to the front of the fridge the night before we set off. A bit OCD I think bit I've been caught out before too!! The list seems to get bigger every trip too🙄

It's not OCD, riri, it's essential! I've got a list of things to take away with me in my glucolog. Hmmm, might even get it laminated...🙄
Work out what you will need for the week and then take at least 50% extra of everything to cover emergencies! Then there can be no need for panics spoiling your holiday. Hope you have a lovely time! 🙂
Thank you all. We're going to Derbyshire so at least in this country if I still manage to forget something. But I'm going to make the list this evening so I have a couple of days to check and recheck it! 🙂
Don't forget to add the kitchen sink 😛
You know me so well Sue! :D
Always better to be safe than sorry and take more than less! I was once on holiday in Antigua and my fringer pricker broke, I didn't take a spare so had to buy one in St Johns (very third world and very old fashioned!)
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