Muscular issues


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello all, I’m an 87 years male (I don’t drink Long Life Milk anymore). T2 for longer than I can remember, also with Reactive Hypoglycaemia, so no Metformin that causes hypos.

I’m curious if anyone (T2) else has had lifelong muscle weakness, cramps and pain with partial relapsing & remission. I’ve not bothered my GP as yet but I’ve found that a T2 condition known as VPN32 deficiency could be the cause. I’ve discounted other diabetic extreme conditions, based on my years of physical symptoms.

Having had genetic tests with the National Hospital for Neurology in London proving negative to anything else, I was prompted to look at my diabetes by the neurologist.

Internet searches find medical info, but not patient experience, hence my asking on the forum.
Hello all, I’m an 87 years male (I don’t drink Long Life Milk anymore). T2 for longer than I can remember, also with Reactive Hypoglycaemia, so no Metformin that causes hypos.

I’m curious if anyone (T2) else has had lifelong muscle weakness, cramps and pain with partial relapsing & remission. I’ve not bothered my GP as yet but I’ve found that a T2 condition known as VPN32 deficiency could be the cause. I’ve discounted other diabetic extreme conditions, based on my years of physical symptoms.

Having had genetic tests with the National Hospital for Neurology in London proving negative to anything else, I was prompted to look at my diabetes by the neurologist.

Internet searches find medical info, but not patient experience, hence my asking on the forum.
Are you sure that is the correct name for the condition as nothing appears in a Google search./
Just had a quick look at the Wiki entry for vps39 and it seems to be a gene mutation if I am understanding correctly, so I am wondering if it might be linked to MODY diabetes. I will confess that most of what it said was way above my "pay grade" or ability to comprehend!
Just had a quick look at the Wiki entry for vps39 and it seems to be a gene mutation if I am understanding correctly, so I am wondering if it might be linked to MODY diabetes. I will confess that most of what it said was way above my "pay grade" or ability to comprehend!
It doesn’t appear to be connected to MODY. VPS39 can occur well before T2 shows up, as I read it. My condition is permanent with no cure, it just partly goes away for a while. There again, I don’t know how much my age exacerbates such a condition, the body start to “slow down” around eighty anyway. It’s all a mystery. It’s my curiosity that keep’s me going!
There are some scientific papers describing the muscle symptoms you describe as being similar to those of VPS39 deficiency. This doesn't mean you have a genetic mutation and there's no correlation between T2 and such a rare defect. What it means is that your lifestyle, diet, meds, and of course your T2 could be causing a reduction in the effective functioning of VPS39.
There are some scientific papers describing the muscle symptoms you describe as being similar to those of VPS39 deficiency. This doesn't mean you have a genetic mutation and there's no correlation between T2 and such a rare defect. What it means is that your lifestyle, diet, meds, and of course your T2 could be causing a reduction in the effective functioning of VPS39.
That’s interesting! Perhaps it’s time I should email my GP. He’s a good chap. Thanks.
That’s interesting! Perhaps it’s time I should email my GP. He’s a good chap. Thanks.
Have you had your vitB12 and vit D checked as low levels can give the symptoms your describe. Some people taking statins also experience muscle weakness.
I would have a chat with your GP to get things checked out.
Gentle muscle strengthening exercises could help.