Muscle loss .


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello , I’ve only been diagnosed type 2 a couple of months and I’m already worried about the loss of muscle in my lower legs , I am struggling with the diet , I’ve no appetite which I’m putting down to the medication and I’m on Rybelsus to help speed up the weight loss …… to be honest ,I’m scared and really don’t know what to do
Welcome @Safarimad39 🙂 Sorry to hear about your muscle loss. Hopefully that will gradually correct itself over time. What diet are you on? What was your HbA1C at diagnosis? How’s your blood sugar now?
Hi, welcome to the forum.
I don't know the affects of the medication you are on. You may find it useful to chat to your doctor about your concerns.

All the information I have read about dieting to lose weight suggest exercise to help prevent muscle loss, so you could also ask your doctor if leg exercises and/or increased general exercise would be beneficial to you.
Any exercise counts as exercise, sitting exercises, gardening, walking. It does not need to be gym exercises.
I have lost muscle mass over the last few years . I have been told at 57 that's normal and diabetes can make it a bit more likely .

I would suggest some light weight training with dumbells if like me you don't like the gym and I find walking is a good workout for the legs ? Cycling is better off course but I find it stressful to be on a bike , especially in the bad weather.