MRI on Monday

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I may have previously told some of you that I'm having an ultrasound of my heart on Monday - well that's what I thought. The letter came today and it's actually the MRI of my head that I'm having due to a cancellation. Good news because it's a step forward but I have to admit the results scare me.:(
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you that all goes well Flutterby. Try to stay calm, it's good that you are getting it earlier than expected so hopefully you will know what might be going on sooner.
Will be thinking of you flutter try not to let it stress you over the weekend to much as Northerner said its good it's happening soon, all the best X
I may have previously told some of you that I'm having an ultrasound of my heart on Monday - well that's what I thought. The letter came today and it's actually the MRI of my head that I'm having due to a cancellation. Good news because it's a step forward but I have to admit the results scare me.:(

Hi flutterby I'm sure everything will go smoothly for you, I will be thinking of you on Monday. Lots of good wishes to you Sheenax
It's great you're getting MRI earlier than you thought! Not to worry, you're in a good hand. You and your doctor need to get to the bottom of your problem. My hub and I will be thinking of you....
I may have previously told some of you that I'm having an ultrasound of my heart on Monday - well that's what I thought. The letter came today and it's actually the MRI of my head that I'm having due to a cancellation. Good news because it's a step forward but I have to admit the results scare me.:(

Good luck for Monday, hope things turn out ok. I had a MRI last week and am waiting for results as well :(

Did they say when you would get the results? Will you have to wait long?

Good luck for Monday, hope things turn out ok. I had a MRI last week and am waiting for results as well :(

Did they say when you would get the results? Will you have to wait long?


Fingers crossed for you to hun xX
I had a MRI last week and am waiting for results as well :(


I hope it's a good sign that they are taking time to let you know the results.....If they've found something worrying, they would ring you back straightaway.....Try to keep calm (I know it's difficult) and enjoy your weekend.
Good luck for Monday, hope things turn out ok. I had a MRI last week and am waiting for results as well :(

Did they say when you would get the results? Will you have to wait long?


Hi Becca, once scan is done I have to ring consultant's secretary and they will try to fit me in to see him. What was the scan like? I know it doesn't hurt but am still a little apprehensive. Did you take a CD to listen to? They say I can if I want, and how long did it all take?
Hi Becca, once scan is done I have to ring consultant's secretary and they will try to fit me in to see him. What was the scan like? I know it doesn't hurt but am still a little apprehensive. Did you take a CD to listen to? They say I can if I want, and how long did it all take?

Hey, it was ok, am claustrophic so probably wasn't the best experience for me but i coped, which i'm proud of myself for 🙂 I wasn't in there long at all, 10-15 mins at best. I just counted reaaaaaaallly slowly, wasn't told about CD but maybe because it was short time? I had to wear earphones because of the noise and boy did it clank lol!! My brother in law had one done the other day on his back/neck/head that was 90 mins....he had a CD to listen to. This was a private MRI so he had the results the next day.

I'm sure you will be ok 🙂 a CD would be a good idea, will be thinking of you x
I had a MRI scan earlier this year, wasn't as bad as I thought and was inside the scanner for around 20-25 minutes. Its best to keep your eyes shut and listen to some relaxing music if given the choice as it rather loud inside, but there is a button you hold which can be pressed should you be worried or concerned. The staff do talk to you whilst inside and reassure you throughout until the scan is complete. Good luck! Toby.
Thanks both of you for replying. Doesn't sound too bad. Just scared because I've been getting panic attacks since my suspected TIA. Just need to relax I suppose, will let you know how it goes.xx
Hi Everyone, had my MRI and it wasn't as bad as I expected. Glad it's done but worried now about results. Going to phone consultant's secretary tomorrow and get an appt asap. It's driving me mad not knowing. My hand is a lot better and I managed a little walk down to local Sainsburys yesterday - would you believe I was hypo when I got there, it never rains but it pours! This is why I need my results so that I can concentrate on getting sugar levels sorted. It's all a bit much really.
Hi Everyone, had my MRI and it wasn't as bad as I expected. Glad it's done but worried now about results. Going to phone consultant's secretary tomorrow and get an appt asap. It's driving me mad not knowing. My hand is a lot better and I managed a little walk down to local Sainsburys yesterday - would you believe I was hypo when I got there, it never rains but it pours! This is why I need my results so that I can concentrate on getting sugar levels sorted. It's all a bit much really.

Hi flutter glad to hear it went well, its only natural that you are nervous now about the results,grr at hypo thats all you need hun, dam diabetes so unpredictable, you have had it hard lately hun ,you need a break

Good luck Xx
Glad to hear the scan wasn't as bad as you feared, and great to hear you are able to get out and about a bit - hope they can get you an early appointment! 🙂
Hi Flutterby
Pleased to hear that MRI has been done. Waiting is the worst part so I hope you will get the results asap. Try not to worry about the result, as you will be taken care of by your doctors.

My hub had angiogram today, a camera? was put into his artery from his groin, and the thing was pushed towards the back side of his brain. Sounds awful, but my hub (usually very squeamish!) said it was nothing as it was done while he was under local anesthesia. The result was OKish, the clogged area wasn't as bad as the doctor had thought. So maybe this wasn't the cause of TIA, now he needs another test to look at the back of the heart. Tests and examinations take time, but we are getting there!
Hi Flutterby
Pleased to hear that MRI has been done. Waiting is the worst part so I hope you will get the results asap. Try not to worry about the result, as you will be taken care of by your doctors.

My hub had angiogram today, a camera? was put into his artery from his groin, and the thing was pushed towards the back side of his brain. Sounds awful, but my hub (usually very squeamish!) said it was nothing as it was done while he was under local anesthesia. The result was OKish, the clogged area wasn't as bad as the doctor had thought. So maybe this wasn't the cause of TIA, now he needs another test to look at the back of the heart. Tests and examinations take time, but we are getting there!

I had an angiogram when I was diagnosed, with a camera through my femoral artery to my heart. The most amazing thing was when they put the dye in that allows them to see things through the camera - it was like being bathed in lovely warm water, but from the inside - I could feel it travel into all my veins as the blood pumped round my body! Made me feel a bit better about the whole procedure!
Hi Flutterby
Pleased to hear that MRI has been done. Waiting is the worst part so I hope you will get the results asap. Try not to worry about the result, as you will be taken care of by your doctors.

My hub had angiogram today, a camera? was put into his artery from his groin, and the thing was pushed towards the back side of his brain. Sounds awful, but my hub (usually very squeamish!) said it was nothing as it was done while he was under local anesthesia. The result was OKish, the clogged area wasn't as bad as the doctor had thought. So maybe this wasn't the cause of TIA, now he needs another test to look at the back of the heart. Tests and examinations take time, but we are getting there!

Your hubby is going through the mill as well, good to hear that the test wasn't too bad and the results were better than expected. I've had an appt through for September to have an ultrasound done of my heart so looks like that's the next thing for me. I just want to know whether in fact I have had a stroke or a TIA or neither. The docs are of different opinions, still the MRI will clarify. It's great to have your support - thanks.xx
Hi flutter glad to hear it went well, its only natural that you are nervous now about the results,grr at hypo thats all you need hun, dam diabetes so unpredictable, you have had it hard lately hun ,you need a break

Good luck Xx

Thanks Steffie, a break would be great!! But you know the more I read on here I realise many of us are struggling with one thing or another. I used to think I was really crap at managing my diabetes but now I see that it's just so unpredictable as you say. Thanks for your support.xx
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