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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have an appointment for an MRCP at 10 am and have to fast for 6 hours before it. I won't have eaten since about 8 pm the night before. Should I take my usual dose of Lantus (22 units) at 8 am? And then just take Novorapid as usual before my next meal (lunch? brunch?) after the scan?
Yes, you should continue to take your basal insulin (Lantus).
The purpose of this is to maintain your levels in the absence of food to "mop up" the glucose dripped from your liver.
I guess I'm worried that my blood glucose levels might go low but then I can't eat to raise them. Or could I still take a dextrose tablet even if fasting?
Basal should not drop your blood sugar levels. Its purpose is to keep levels stable.
In addition, Typically, we are a little stressed when we have these kind of procedures which raise our levels.
However, if you do become hypo you must treat.
Thank you I do feel more reassured now. Don't all Type 1s have to go through this process every 6 or 12 months?
Don't all Type 1s have to go through this process every 6 or 12 months?
No. The last blood tests I had were not fasting. I agree they used to be and it was really annoying, but I think it's usual now for them not to be. (I think the only usual one would be lipid profile where some labs want a fasting sample, so I think the last one I had for that was just cholesterol and triglycerides without the LDL/HDL split.)
I assumed MRCP is Magnetic Resonance Choloangio Pancreatography. I have never had one of this.
Ah. OK, I assumed it was an acronym for some kind of blood test I hadn't heard of. But yes, if it's something else then I've also never had one, and it's not something that's commonly offered (it's not on the usual list of things that ought to be checked annually, for example).
Yeah - I'd never heard of it either, perhaps Irisaria has probs with her gall bladder or something - which neither me nor anyone in my family or close friends, ever have had.

We did used to have to fast for blood tests - and some types of tests do still require that - but not normal ones re diabetes, cholesterol and thyroid.
Oh that's surprising! Yes it's an MRI scan to check the pancreas, also the liver, gall bladder, etc. I've had a couple since my diagnosis in March 2020 (plus a CT scan) and they require fasting but have been at different times of the day.
Oh that's surprising! Yes it's an MRI scan to check the pancreas, also the liver, gall bladder, etc. I've had a couple since my diagnosis in March 2020 (plus a CT scan) and they require fasting but have been at different times of the day.
Interesting. As you can tell it's not universal!

I imagine they think there's a chance you have (or will have) some damage in those organs, likely at least partly because of your age. Maybe there are some other reasons for that suspicion (something unusual about the presentation in your case, maybe).

Still, I think the advice stands: a little dextrose most likely won't cause a problem (by all means tell them if you need to take it).
Yes thanks Bruce you are right. I have some cysts they are keeping an eye on. I don't know why I assumed that having diabetes meant something is physically wrong with the pancreas but maybe it can just not be producing insulin but otherwise OK.
Had to fast for couple of procedures on injections & pump, never been issue just remind scan staff that you have type 1.
I don't know why I assumed that having diabetes meant something is physically wrong with the pancreas but maybe it can just not be producing insulin but otherwise OK.
Well, it's obviously missing the insulin-producing cells but that's probably not visible to MRI.

So I'd guess it's the cysts but you could ask if you're curious. And maybe they think they're responsible for your diabetes for all I know.
Been having all these scans for over 20 years you could say i'm quite used to them now. For any fasting procedure if my appointment is say for 9.00am and i need a 6 hour fast i will get up 7 hours before so 2.00am so i can have a brew and something to eat. Then i go back to bed for a few hours. MRCP scan i've had these as i suffer from chronic pancreatitis and had most of my pancreas removed. Pre op i've had these and pre diabetic i've had them. Also i have cirrohsis of the liver and had liver cancer so had this done a few times. Exactly the same as an mri you wont notice any difference,its the imaging that is different. I always keep some dextrose tablets handy just for my own reasureance.
Like many on the forum I’ve had lots of investigation of various parts of my anatomy, many of which involved fasting for 24 hours. That is tricky, but a fast for 6 hours is easy. Just take your normal basal, tell them you are T1 and needing food and with a bit of luck and charm they’ll supply you with biccies or a sandwich. The important thing to say is that during my 24 hour fasting (and pooing) before a colonoscopy I just ate Dextro tablets as needed. They leave no residue in your gut and don’t affect the scan.
Thank you all for your responses to my query. Very helpful and reassuring, especially wrt taking dextrose tablets if necessary. I don't think I'll be up at 2 am for a snack but will soldier on till lunchtime (or brunch)!
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