Mr 10%

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, maybe not 10% exactly, but I seem to fall into a lot of minority classes.
  • I'm Type 1, which is a minority of people with diabetes
  • I'm left-handed
  • I have green eyes
  • I have Gilbert's Syndrome (it's a liver thing)
  • I'm blood type B+

I think that's it, although there are probably other areas that I'm totally unaware of!:D Any other left-handers out there?
Hi Northerner,

Alex is left handed and type 1
But he has blonde hair and blue eyes!
Hi Northerner

I'm left handed. Brown eyes. Not sure what blood type - but I definitely had some before I was diagnosed and the doctor started taking it all!

Have fun

My grown up son is left handed but not diabetic
I'm type 2 and green eyed, and for somethings I can use either hand. My mouse at work is on the right yetthe mouse at home is on the left to accomdate left handed son.
The grown up jobs in out household include engineer at the Science Musuem, gallery assistant at the National Gallery and collection audit assistant at the British Library. Not many families have people in three major national collections.

All this just proves how unique we all are,yet we have come together in a common cause.
I'm Type 1, which is a minority of people with diabetes
I'm left-handed
I have green eyes,
I have Gilbert's Syndrome (it's a liver thing)
I'm blood type B+
Close, B-

I think that's it, although there are probably other areas that I'm totally unaware of!:D Any other left-handers out there?
Plus, Top 5% in terms of IQ (Not bragging, just took the test for fun)
Oh, and also classed as a Northerner although not living in the North atm.
Plus, Top 5% in terms of IQ (Not bragging, just took the test for fun)
Oh, and also classed as a Northerner although not living in the North atm.

When I took my degree, I was in the top 5% of academically qualified people in the UK, although nowadays there are considerably more people taking degrees. My degree was in Russian, which probably puts me in a small percentage of language graduates, and I also took the Mensa test years ago which put me in the top 2% (of people who are good at IQ tests!:D).

I'm also called Alan, and not currently living in the North!
Hmmm....I must be Ms about 95% then.....Overweight, over 40, unfit and type 2! I have green eyes, brown hair and got an average mark for my degree in Psychology, as well as O levels (yes I really am that old...!!) On a lighter note my employment has included Recruitment Consultant, Returns Officer for a condom company and Production Co-Ordinator for a sportswear company. I am also above average in Mensa....😉
I can tick three, green eyes, type 1, and have Gilberts Syndrome.
Loads of people in my family are left handed, and we also have that funny rheusus negative blood thing too.
Well, maybe not 10% exactly, but I seem to fall into a lot of minority classes.
  • I'm Type 1, which is a minority of people with diabetes
  • I'm left-handed
  • I have green eyes
  • I have Gilbert's Syndrome (it's a liver thing)
  • I'm blood type B+

I think that's it, although there are probably other areas that I'm totally unaware of!:D Any other left-handers out there?

I must be common then I am type 2, right handed, blue eyes, (I do have liver problems by way of fatty liver), and as for my Blood group I am the common one...
Re Corrine's employment at a condom company - our mum was a family planning nurse, so my sister and I spent large parts of our childhood in familiy planning clinics, sometimes playing with matron's cat at a cottage hospital, badminton in garden or making model airplanes in kitchen, but quite often, mum or other staff got us packing pills into sleeves, adding clinic address stickers (they didn't come ready packed in 1970s), stamping addresses onto STD leaflets (still called VD, then). Perhaps oddest was when she asked us to make plastecine uteruses to display coils / IUDs (now called IUCDs). Only time we saw a patient was to come and meet a guide dog accompanying a blind man collecting condoms. Nothing to do with diabetes, but happy memories!
Re Corrine's employment at a condom company - our mum was a family planning nurse, so my sister and I spent large parts of our childhood in familiy planning clinics, sometimes playing with matron's cat at a cottage hospital, badminton in garden or making model airplanes in kitchen, but quite often, mum or other staff got us packing pills into sleeves, adding clinic address stickers (they didn't come ready packed in 1970s), stamping addresses onto STD leaflets (still called VD, then). Perhaps oddest was when she asked us to make plastecine uteruses to display coils / IUDs (now called IUCDs). Only time we saw a patient was to come and meet a guide dog accompanying a blind man collecting condoms. Nothing to do with diabetes, but happy memories!

Lots of 'balloon' animals to play with, eh?:D
well i must be "mr common as muck" lol im right handed and i have type1 also i am green eyed but i dont have liver problems and i certainly dont have special blood either.
You better believe it Northerner! Although I have to say it wasn't as much fun as Copepod's experiences....:D
well i must be "mr common as muck" lol im right handed and i have type1 also i am green eyed but i dont have liver problems and i certainly dont have special blood either.

Interesting that there are quite a few green-eyed people. I looked it up and apparently 2%-3% of the population have green eyes, although in Hungary it's 20%!
well my mums side of the family are all from that sort of area. lots of dutch, belgians and hungarians to.
Corrine and Northerner - perhaps that's why they didn't give condoms to children - we would have blown them up, I'm sure.
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