MPs urge chancellor to honour leave campaign's £350m NHS promise

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Dozens of MPs have signed a joint letter, organised by a group that aims to hold leave campaigners to their pre-referendum promises, which calls on the government to uphold the most infamous Brexit promise of all – £350m more a week to be spent on the NHS.

The letter, signed by 41 MPs, mainly from Labour but also some Liberal Democrats and Caroline Lucas of the Greens, demands that the chancellor, Philip Hammond, make the pledge in his autumn statement a month from now.

The £350m pledge was a key element of the Vote Leave campaign’s promise to voters, billed as money that would be saved after leaving the EU which could instead go to health spending.

In the wake of the 23 June referendum many leading pro-Brexit figures began todistance themselves from the idea, a process highlighted in a new Vote Leave Watch video to accompany the letter.

Good luck with that...🙄
I'm sure this was organised solely to highlight the lies that people were told before the referendum. In any event, we haven't left the EU yet, and those MPs know that.

But if Hammond doesn't do something for the NHS with some real money, it's going to be a horrible winter in Little England.
From what I have seen of debates of Parliament there is no chance!
Having worked in NHS for 40 years no government has ever been good for it! They have only ever used it as vote winner!
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