Moving to another county with free , freestyle libre

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone
I am wondering how it works when I move to another county , from Tyne and Wear to Norfolk , will I still receive my free freestyle libre sensors on Perscription . It fills me with panic if I end up losing them due to funding in different areas .
I suggest you look on the CCG website of the area you are moving to, and maybes contact them to see.
Hi there , yes my new area does provide it but it’s only 1 in 5 type 1 get it . I Was just wondering if I would need to be reassessed.
I think you would need to meet their criteria which is why you need to look at the actual criteria for the new area.
Hi , yes I have look at the criteria and is much the same as North Tyneside .
Thanks for the reply
I’m the other side of the river to you. I’m South Tyneside. 🙂
The funding criteria for Libre on the NHS in England are nationwide and mandatory. There was a huge postcode lottery in the past, but you should find it easier now.

Of course, some areas take pains to interpret the simple, mandatory NHS guidelines in bizzarely convoluted ways, but the idea is that if you qualify in one place, you should also qualify after you move.

These are the criteria:

1. People with Type 1 diabetes

OR with any form of diabetes on hemodialysis and on insulin treatment

who, in either of the above, are clinically indicated as requiring intensive monitoring >8 times daily, as demonstrated on a meter download/review over the past 3 months

OR with diabetes associated with cystic fibrosis on insulin treatment

2. Pregnant women with Type 1 Diabetes - 12 months in total inclusive of post- delivery period.

3. People with Type 1 diabetes unable to routinely self-monitor blood glucose due to disability who require carers to support glucose monitoring and insulin management.

4. People with Type 1 diabetes for whom the specialist diabetes MDT determines have occupational (e.g. working in insufficiently hygienic conditions to safely facilitate finger-prick testing) or psychosocial circumstances that warrant a 6- month trial of Libre with appropriate adjunct support.

5. Previous self-funders of Flash Glucose Monitors with Type 1 diabetes where those with clinical responsibility for their diabetes care are satisfied that their clinical history suggests that they would have satisfied one or more of these criteria prior to them commencing use of Flash Glucose Monitoring had these criteria been in place prior to April 2019 AND has shown improvement in HbA1c since self- funding

6. For those with Type 1 diabetes and recurrent severe hypoglycemia or impaired awareness of hypoglycemia, NICE suggests that Continuous Glucose Monitoring with an alarm is the standard. Other evidence-based alternatives with NICE guidance or NICE TA support are pump therapy, psychological support, structured education, islet transplantation and whole pancreas transplantation. However, if the person with diabetes and their clinician consider that a Flash Glucose Monitoring system would be more appropriate for the individual’s specific situation, then this can be considered.

Of course, some areas take pains to interpret the simple, mandatory NHS guidelines in bizzarely convoluted ways, but the idea is that if you qualify in one place, you should also qualify after you move.

CCGs are allowed to offer it more generously than the NHS guidelines. (I'm sure you're right that the differences are mostly in how the same criteria are interpreted rather than anything officially written down. But in principle a CCG could officially offer it to some people who would not satisfy the general criteria.)
It may depend which area of Norfolk you’re going to. West Norfolk seem strict but North Norfolk far better. I live in one but hospital in other.
I’m in South Norfolk , will probably go to Norwich hospital for consultation and clinic I’m not sure yet .
I’m in South Norfolk , will probably go to Norwich hospital for consultation and clinic I’m not sure yet .
You should be ok then 😉
I’m in South Norfolk , will probably go to Norwich hospital for consultation and clinic I’m not sure yet .
Hello Sue. Just reaching out to Norfolk people - I am in Diss 🙂 Super keen on getting all the good tech I can. Now on dexecom 7 (Norfolk funded)
I would be amazed if a move to a different County precipitated a withdrawl of your entitlement to Libre. At the very least @everydayupsanddowns has spelt out the guidelines and pretty well all T1s routinely now qualify.

But also, the idea that a receiving authority would even consider a review of entitlement on day 1 and disrupt your status quo - for any medication, not just your Libre - is simply unimaginable as well as outrageous. If your nominated GP was asked to verify your entitlement to a particular medication, perhaps following the Surgery's Pharmacist doing a periodic review and identifying a possible discrepancy I would be horrified if any change were implemented without a proper discussion with you first.

NB: When I moved from Bucks to Berks in late July my repeat meds were reviewed by the Pharmacist of my new Medical Centre and there was a pleasant dialogue between the Pharmacist and myself, item by item, about apparent duplications which were mostly left in place after I'd explained why. That was a healthy process of necessary background medical administration. Most helpfully that dialogue was documented onto my notes and I can see that my nominated GP, who I've not met, had put her initials on that Pharmacist's note. The only frustration that I subsequently encountered was some 2 weeks later I received an automated message requiring me to activate an attached link and pretty well repeat the previous review - but this time with a bit of AI software. There was a final box asking me for any comment and I expressed my displeasure at having to repeat something from 2 weeks prior. I never heard back!!
@Proud to be erratic and @Esmee This is a 3 year old thread and things have likely moved no in that time.
@Esmee, you have replied to 4 or 5 threads. Sadly, all the people in Norfolk you have replied to have been absent from the forum for a very long time, so you are unlikely to get any replies.

The date of every post is at the top. Also, if you click on the username in the panel on the left, it will often tell you how long since they last logged in.

But welcome to the forum!
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