Moving on to insulin

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
..snip.. ( I'm paranoid about having to start injecting at some time) ..snip..

Hi Dodger,
I, too, was Paranoid about going onto Insulin, I didn't want my lifestyle to change (I was thinking about going over to Asia to live for a few years) (Still am, waiting for the Recession to improve), I didn't want to have to worry about it, the cost, the search, the storage etc. etc. Then my DSN sat me down and had a good long talk with me. She went on about MY health and the fact that MY life would suffer greatly if I didn't go on Insulin, later-life complications, etc. I said that if I am going on Insulin then I want to speak to others that have done it and think about for a month. Two days later I was knocking on her door and asking to be put on Insulin. There was NO argument. (I had already been shown how to do it and did a test with her with Sterile water in the Pen-syringe and was very surprised that it didn't hurt at all) (The finger pricker hurts more!). Now I have been on Insulin for a year, and my figures are so great I am amazed. Gone is the fuzzy feeling I felt all day, gone is the tiredness, gone is the fear of bad future-complications (as much as possible) as I am doing the best for ME. They instilled in me the sense of Self-Preservation - I am rigid about my carb's and my numbers and bolas-jab sometimes 6 times a day (I am a snacker at night!) I am achieving the 4-6 target a lot of the time and my HBC1a is at long last coming down. I have a regime of my own (like us all) which I live with much better than I thought I would. So, I hope this little story has helped, Dodger, please don't worry too much, it REALLY isn't that bigger a deal and the big plus is.... I am healthier now on Insulin than I have ever been in the last 5 years. If you need to talk more I would be only too pleased to help. Kindest regards and good luck. Joe.
Thank you so much for your post - I too am hovering on the brink of injecting but am still pulling back as I know it means it's probably (almost inevitably) for life and I'm scared of taking that next step. No-one is putting pressure on me, just advising that it's "to be soon - but it's your choice". I was really interested to read what you said - thanks again.

Faith (Type 1.5 LADA - diagnosed last October but still on 3 Metformin and 2 Gliclazide)
You are very welcome Vince, any time 🙂
I forgot to mention that I also was told a while back (wrongly I think!) by my Doctor that I didn't need to go on Insulin! So there I was wondering around thinking I would never have to Jab. So it hit me like a hammer when I had the heart-to-heart with my DSN. So, Vince, this period you are in right now about thinking on it will be an advantage - you will be able to think about all the pro's and con's and I hope you are able to speak to Insulin Users face-to-face (you can me if you like). There are down days just as there are up days (mentally I mean) but they are lessening now. I am still filling in my record book religiously every meal: time, B.G., meal, carb value, Jab units. This can be sometimes a chore with EVERYTHING I eat but I won't need to do this as complexly soon - as I am still interested what Gummy Bears does to me (!) he he he and I like keeping figures. Best of Luck - Joe
I've just copied these posts into a new thread as it's a topic that may be of interest to some others who may not notice it in the other thread.
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