Mounjaro oddity ☺️

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musical soul

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone. I was unsure where to post this so I’ve popped it on here….

I started mounjaro 2.5 mg all fine but little response so after four weeks I progressed onto the 5mg. There were no bad side effects on the first two doses; I then took the third shot and three days later, boom, gas, diarrhoea ( bad ) & sulphur burps. I had expected some side effects moving from the 2.5 to 5 mg in the first shot, possibly the second too, but on the third shot ? Now this 5mg dose is helping my ravenous appetite somewhat ( lost modest amount ) and helping my sugars so I don’t want to stop it or lower the dose as the present one is actually helping…After that very long winded piece, I’d like to ask if anyone could offer some insight into why this has happened ( on third dose ) or if anyone has had similar ?

In the end I had to take anti diarrhoea tabs & rehydration to stop it…

Thank you for reading this…
I found when I moved to 7.5mg that my appetite went completely, and I had no problem with eating nothing all day.
That is, no problem except for my digestion, which pretty-well seized up, not surprisingly, since there was no input of solids!
I also got some dizziness and blurry eyes, particularly after waking up.

I've now reverted to 5mg, and some of my appetite has returned, and the blurriness has reduced.

What you observe may just be your body being affected by the Mounjaro, and acting (up) on it. Continuing taking it at the current dose may possibly lose (some of) the side-effects.

Previously I have mentioned that the excellent diabetes nurse at the local hospital's Diabetes Centre has said that they have found that "5mg is a good stabilising dose for most of their patients" - but of course everyone is an individual!
The Patient Information I've just looked at (on says that nausea/diarrhea is a very common side effect for 16/17% of patients.

Need to tell whoever prescribed the drug when next in contact.
Sorry to hear to have a rather dramatic reaction after your increased doses @musical soul :(

Are you due a follow-up call with your GP to see how things are going? Or could you try to speak to a pharmacist at your High St chemists?
I’ve just started taking Mounjaro (as an alternative to Trulicity)
which due to supply shortages is no longer available on prescription

when I had my consultation with my GP
he said I would start on the min dose then we will speak in 6weeks
about increasing to .5

So I think yes speak to your pharmacy or GP regarding your side effects since your dose increase @musical soul
Sorry to hear to have a rather dramatic reaction after your increased doses @musical soul :(

Are you due a follow-up call with your GP to see how things are going? Or could you try to speak to a pharmacist at your High St chemists?
Hi there . As always I’m curious; I am curious as to why after taking the first two shots of the the increased 5mg I had no reactions or side effects whatsoever, it was only when I took the third shot side effect hit. I thought what the hell, and have taken the last shot and it’s the same again ‍♀️ I’m back to anti diarrhoea & rehydration powders…. My head and plain common sense is telling me this can’t go on and I can either lower the dose or stop altogether… but I’m soooooo disappointed… I was looking forward to moving up to the 7.5 dose, and greater impact on my appetite, looks like that’s not going to happen now ‍♀️ I’m gutted, but I’ll ‘do the sensible thing’ … thanks for your reply by the way, nice to meet you ☺️
I think some times the body just gets to a point where the same thing tips over into a different reaction.

Think of those youngsters who go out on a Friday night. All’s well up to a point, but one extra tipple and their body says NOPE, and takes urgent action to rid itself of what it isn’t happy with.

I have absolutely no idea whether there’s any similarity, but it just strikes me that sometimes the body seems to have “this far, but no further” limits?
Nods head ☺️ … yes I agree….I find things like that interesting as to what’s going on in the body to make it change it’s reaction…
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