Motivation fading

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed type 2 in April with Hb1ac of 75 and in August it had dropped to 37. I am however really feeling my motivation maintaining my 3 stone weight loss, maintaining and even increasing my exercise regime- walk 15k steps a day, 3 gym classes a week and ensure over 500 minutes of moderate exercise every week BUT
I'm really struggling with food. Cakes, chocolate and takeaways are all sneaking back in.
I'm sure I can feel tingling in my hands and feet after eating sugar and I'm sweating in night again. So although my levels 2 hours after bad food may be below 7.8 I'm sure they are surging in the night.

My fasting levels are good but creeping higher - were in the 5's and now 6's. I need off this slippery slope but how? I'm also anxious about managing this condition for rest of my life as I'm only 40 if I'm struggling after 6 months.

Sorry this is just a pity post but family won't let me talk bout diabetes just tell me to stop worrying
Although I am firmly of the opinion that takeaways are not food and should not be eaten as a matter of avoiding self harm, if you can use high cocoa chocolate and make yourself some nut or seed bars, or bake with it using low carb ingredients, you should be OK.
I worked for Allied Lyons, and I know that many things they make are composed of the cheapest possible ingredients which are starches, sugar and salt, plus doubtful fats and all sorts of chemicals to 'improve' the result.
Look for some low carb options to bake for yourself and have them ready in the freezer for when you need them.
If you can make it a habit to make your own low carb foods it really will help with staying on track
Hi @Jo121 Congratulations on your fasting levels. I've been in T2 remission for over 1yr and my fasting levels are still around the 6.5 to 6.8 area - the Dawn Phenomenon runs strong in me.

Yes, it can be hard to hold onto gains. You made huge gains in a very short period of time, perhaps you tried to hit it too hard rather than look for sustainability. T2 diabetes and even weight loss isn't something that can be solved with a one-time effort (for the vast majority of people). I can quite understand how you might feel you deserve a little treat for all that exercise and gym work - I certainly would.
However beyond the 30 min brisk walk per day 5 times per week (and perhaps some resistance training to build muscle) additional exercise would be for fun - not for beating diabetes. So my focus remains on a sustainable Way Of Eating (for me) which doesn't spike my BG. And for me that is high protein and medium traditional fats. I choose to eat things I love to eat yet won't harm me, rather than some ideal which requires continuing will power to keep on the waggon, because will power always runs out !
Difficult, isn't it @Jo121. I posted a similar thing myself after my last hba1c. I'd got it down from 76 to 36 but it had crept up to 39. Still ok, but I knew I was snacking again. Not much, just little things especially my fun size bags of maltezers. What started out as a treat a week developed into every other day, then every day. Then 2 bags sometimes.
Someone suggested I cut back to once a week, someone else said don't have them in the house. Not having them in the house has worked, but that's just for me.
You have done a tremendous job of shedding 3 stone and getting your hba1c down. Try to concentrate on how proud you should be of yourself, and keep the snacks to a minimum. What I do now is treat myself to some cheese or nuts, like I did when I was losing weight. That and look at my avatar to see how far I've come and I don't want to wreck that.
Best of luck to you x
Thanks all i think if I can be ok most of the time I'd be fine with a takeaway now and then its the biscuit craving and the sheer boredom of salad or soup for lunch every day thats getting to me. I think I'm also not eating enough calories for the exercise im doing either which makes the craving worse but I just don't like a lot of meat so I struggle to get my calories in without carbs
If you are not eating enough, then the cravings can become stronger and harder to fight - your body may be telling you it needs more fuel.
Thanks all i think if I can be ok most of the time I'd be fine with a takeaway now and then its the biscuit craving and the sheer boredom of salad or soup for lunch every day thats getting to me. I think I'm also not eating enough calories for the exercise im doing either which makes the craving worse but I just don't like a lot of meat so I struggle to get my calories in without carbs
I think there is a thread in the food and recipes forum with all sorts of exciting salad ideas so no need to be bored of salads and if you are into homemade soups the Covent Garden book A Soup for Everyday has 365 soup/casserole recipes.
Having more protein and healthy fats should help you not to feel hungry.
Thanks ill have a look on the food forum
I think there is a thread in the food and recipes forum with all sorts of exciting salad ideas so no need to be bored of salads and if you are into homemade soups the Covent Garden book A Soup for Everyday has 365 soup/casserole recipes.
Having more protein and healthy fats should help you not to feel hungry.
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