Mothers Against Drunk Drivers

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This is a sensible message for this time of year! It is part of an Internet petition by "Mothers Against Drunk Drivers". As this type of petition subdivides repeatedly I am not really in favour of them but am posting this because of the important message it contains.

I went to a party,

And remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mum
So I had a sprite instead.
I felt proud of myself,

The way you said I would,
That I didn't drink and drive,
Though some friends said I should.

I made a healthy choice,

And your advice to me was right,
The party finally ended,
And the kids drove out of sight.

I got into my car,

Sure to get home in one piece,
I never knew what was coming, Mum
Something I expected least.

Now I'm lying on the pavement,

And I hear the policeman say,
The kid that caused this wreck was drunk,
Mum, his voice seems far away.

My own blood's all around me,

As I try hard not to cry.
I can hear the paramedic say,
This girl is going to die.

I'm sure the guy had no idea,

While he was flying high,
Because he chose to drink and drive,
Now I would have to die.

So why do people do it, Mum

Knowing that it ruins lives?
And now the pain is cutting me,
Like a hundred stabbing knives.

Someone should have taught him,
That it's wrong to drink and drive.
Maybe if his parents had,
I'd still be alive.

My breath is getting shorter, Mum

I'm getting really scared.
These are my final moments,
And I'm so unprepared.

I wish that you could hold me Mum,

As I lie here and die.
I wish that I could say, 'I love you, Mum!'
So I love you and good-bye.

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) IS HOPING TO GET 5,000 SIGNATURES ON THIS,
Link please? My aunt was killed by a drunk driver, he got a 12 month ban and some points on his licence. Didn't do any good, he was arrested 8 months later driving under the influence and while banned.
Sorry Alison it came by e-mail. You add your name and forward to everyone you know. There was no link in it.
Powerful words there!

Alison maybe search for the group MADD, let us know if you get anywhere I'm sure a few of us would be interested in supporting somehow.


I have checked through the long e-mail and it is:-

P.O . Box 541688
Dallas , TX75354-1688
1-800- GET -MADD (1-800-438-6233)

Apparently when it gets to 5000 names you are meant to post the petition in. However the early people will be included in millions of petitions as it forks all ways. The message is the important thing!
they do have a website, ive been on their mailing list for a while. Currently on a train so dont have the link but i'll post it here when i get home if noones found it

Edit, fi ished reading the thread and see its already been found!
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I think the poem is also a tiemly reminder to all of us to do our bit to stop drink driving.

At any time of year any one visiting us who is driving gets nothing stronger than a cup of coffee. If I am out I will also refuse to get into a car with anyone I know has been drinking. I'd rather spend the money on a cab and get home safely.

What I'm really trying to say to everyone is don't drink and drive and don't encourage others to do so.
Seems odd that there isn't a UK branch of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. As drink driving laws (ages, blood alcohol levels, times when young or new drivers can drive alone or with others etc) are different in different countries (even between neighbours states in USA), local versions are vital. Personally, I'd never drive if I've been drinking alcohol and won't get a lift with anyone who has been drinking, either. Occasionally can be interesting when bus drivers change over in remote roadside cantinas in Latin America, but better to get out and wait and but another ticket later than risk accident.
Sorry about that!

I have informed the originator of the e-mail I received and, hopefully, the message will get back up the line. Anyway the important thing is the message. What always surprises me is that when you see people caught at this time of year they are often not just over the limit but two, three or even more times over. This is not an error of judgement but sheer stupidity!
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