Morning Sugars

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi. New to the forum. Diagnosed as T2 eight years ago, at the age of 50. My last HbA1C was 54 (5 months ago). My sugars before breakfast are not in the 4-7 range. Last month's 30 day average was 9.4. My GP says not to worry - he says my three month HbA1C is fine. But, I do worry. Any advice? Thank you.
Hi @Gazza13 nice to meet you!

Is it just the morning sugars you are worried about?

Do you test as soon as you open your eyes or after you have been moving about a bit? Reason I ask is if I take mine whilst still in bed I can be at 5, make the packed lunches and do all the mum stuff and be at 7/8 without eating a thing. It’s called foot on the floor syndrome. These really helpful bodies of ours setting us up for the day!

How has your control been over the years, is it getting worse is that’s what’s concerning you? Do you take any meds ?

You hba1c is good so there is no need for real panic but I understand the feeling of wanting to do better. There is lots of help on here !!

Maybe give us an example of your days meals if you feel like it, and what time do you eat your evening meal ? Do you do much exercise? All this is helpful for us to know so we can give the best advice.

Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to my message.

To answer your questions:

  • my hba1c has fluctuated, but not exceeded the 58 mark;
  • I take Metformin in the morning and evening and Gliclazide.
Interestingly, I tested by blood this morning before placing a foot on the floor, and it read 7.8!

I am very grateful for the advice.

Very best wishes

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