Morning readings

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
My fasting morning results are usually between 7 , 7.5 and sometimes in the 6’s . Are these numbers normal or are they classed as high ? During the day they are normally between 4’s , 5’s , 6’s and 7’s. I’m classed as pre diabetic, my last test was 44.
My fasting morning results are usually between 7 , 7.5 and sometimes in the 6’s . Are these numbers normal or are they classed as high ? During the day they are normally between 4’s , 5’s , 6’s and 7’s. I’m classed as pre diabetic, my last test was 44.
They're consistent with pre-diabetes, I think. Towards the upper end of normal, as I understand it.

Bruce is right. Finger prick tests that are consistently in the sevens is a suggestion of pre-diabetes (or 'at risk of diabetes', which seems to be the preferred term now). Between 4 and 7 is the waking and pre-meal target range for those of who are already diagnosed with diabetes, so on that basis anything under 7 is considered good.
Bruce is right. Finger prick tests that are consistently in the sevens is a suggestion of pre-diabetes (or 'at risk of diabetes', which seems to be the preferred term now). Between 4 and 7 is the waking and pre-meal target range for those of who are already diagnosed with diabetes, so on that basis anything under 7 is considered good.
Thanks .
Bruce is right. Finger prick tests that are consistently in the sevens is a suggestion of pre-diabetes (or 'at risk of diabetes', which seems to be the preferred term now). Between 4 and 7 is the waking and pre-meal target range for those of who are already diagnosed with diabetes, so on that basis anything under 7 is considered good.
They're consistent with pre-diabetes, I think. Towards the upper end of normal, as I understand it.

Your daytime numbers look like they are moving in the right direction @Glo65 🙂

Waking levels can be a bit stubborn, and the last to come down from what I’ve seen of other forum members.

Hope you can continue to make some positive tweaks to your menu to keep your BG levels and weight gradually falling 🙂
6.3 but I drank whisky last night. Nit sure if thats a help or a hindrance.
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