Morning High's

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

Last few morning's my sugars have been over 10 in the morning, my pre-bed readings were lower.

Took some slight novorapid to bring them down to average and have increased my basal from 12 to 14 before bed (Levemir).

I am still getting high's. Usual day readings are fine.

Any ideas?
Morning highs are common. It’s called the dawn phenomenon. I never solved it on multiple injections (now on the pump).

Hopefully someone can come on and help.
Never experience them before.

Was 5.5 before bed and 11.5 when I woke up, been consistently like this for a few weeks now
It might be worth setting an alarm for the middle of the night ( 3am is usually a good bet, it's when the liver is generally pumping out the least glucose) and noting what you are then.
If you're reading is half way between bedtime and morning reading, you probably need to up your basal, as it's not doing its job overnight, and it's allowing you to rise steadily.
If you're a lot lower than bedtime or waking, it suggests too much basal, so your liver is kicking in to compensate, and you need to lower basal.
I always find I need to increase basal at this time of year, but some people report that the need to lower it. The one common factor, is that basal needs never stay the same for long!
Agreed that overnight testing is definitely a good shout so you can confirm if it is the DP and whether or not you can make an adjustment to insulin.....
I agree, my first port of call would be an overnight fasting basal test 🙂
Thanks. Would you continue to dose as normal to see the differences?
I would, if you're doing 14u now then I'd do 14u as normal and then test every 2 hours in the night to see whats going on
I would, if you're doing 14u now then I'd do 14u as normal and then test every 2 hours in the night to see whats going on
Would you test every two hours in the same night? I'd be afraid that the very act of disrupting my sleep so much would confuse my liver and change my results, I'd have done it over a few nights, testing one night at 1am, the next at 3am, the next at 5am etc.
That's where I find the Libre so useful, an instant overnight trace in one go.
I think the dawn phenomenon works off the body clock, which doesn't change overnight anyway.....

testing over a few nights is wise though, to eliminate any unknown, uncontrollable variables
Would you test every two hours in the same night? I'd be afraid that the very act of disrupting my sleep so much would confuse my liver and change my results, I'd have done it over a few nights, testing one night at 1am, the next at 3am, the next at 5am etc.
That's where I find the Libre so useful, an instant overnight trace in one go.
That's how I've always done it, and can't say that it affected anything too badly. Although in all fairness, 90% of my fasting basal tests have had to be called off thanks to hypos (on toujeo and lantus) and hypers on tresiba. Doing every 2 hours is what led me to DP on humulin i.
Bit moot now as I almost always have a libre these days, which just confirmed what the fasting basal tests were showing me 🙂
Long day in work tomorrow for me then!

Will try tonight and see what happens.

Got my work xmas party tomorrow so there will be alcohol. Will try over the weekend.

I am starting to think I may need to decrease my dose as I increased for the first time last night and it was double, which is the largest increase I have seen
Would you test every two hours in the same night? I'd be afraid that the very act of disrupting my sleep so much would confuse my liver and change my results, I'd have done it over a few nights, testing one night at 1am, the next at 3am, the next at 5am etc.
That's where I find the Libre so useful, an instant overnight trace in one go.
Same here. Since having the Libre I can see that when I am awake in the night my blood sugars are higher. Hence a full fasting overnight basal is going to lead to very misleading results.
So since my jump from 5.5 to 11.5 on Thursday (14 units), it looked like to big of a gap to be not enough insulin considering I usually take 10/12.

So last night I took 8 these were the readings

10:30 - 6.5
1:00 - 7
4:00 - 8
7:00 - 9
8:15 - 10.5

I am at a complete loss. Could I have a dodgy batch of Levemir, A jump from 10/12 normal to over 14 out of the blue seems too much to take on?
It's always a possibility that your insulin hasn't been stored correctly (even before you get it). I'd certainly try a new cartridge, if possible one from a new box, as one of the things to try and eliminate.

Another possibility is that you're about to go down with a cold or something, my body always knows, and it shows in my BG readings, a couple of days in advance, before I get actually symptoms.
Yeah, its been like this for 3 weeks which makes me think it's not cold related etc. Will try a new batch of Levemir this weekend.
Has anything else changed? I find my basal requirements overnight are affected by the amount of carbs I’ve eaten and exercise I’ve had throughout the previous day.
I used to go to bed ok and wake up high, careful as my nurse told me it was probably because I was having hypos in my sleep! Sometimes the liver will fix a hypo by releasing stored glucose when you go too low so you wake up a little higher than normal. Might be something to look into, couple of 2am checks?🙂 Sorry that may be a bit obvious as many of you have had diabetes longer than me, but just thought I'd add it here 🙂

I am training atm a bit more but nothing to cause these issues.

I have done one over night check and it kept creeping up.

Last night I was 2.9 before bed, took some lemonade and sweets to cover remaining bosul left before sleep. Woke up at 11.8. I am usually quite sensitive to Hypos and always wake up etc
Woke up this morning with no increase.

But it was 1.8!!!!!

I took some pancakes, used normal car counting and at lunch I was 11.8!
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