Morning fasting basal tests done :)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Woke at 5.2, two hours later 5.7
4 hours later before lunch 6.2

Il settle for that, don't think I will change anything there. Will do lunch fast tomorrow.
Sounds like a good plan 🙂
Well, things gone a bit tits up since lunch, was 15. Something.

One of two things I think. Because I missed breakfast metabolism worked overtime and converted to sugar quicker than usual or

Because its the weekend and not in work, less active.

Time will tell, and will have to do an afternoon basal test to rule that out as a problem. Easily corrected with a correction dose via pump. Not missing injections at all
Well, things gone a bit tits up since lunch, was 15. Something.

One of two things I think. Because I missed breakfast metabolism worked overtime and converted to sugar quicker than usual or

Because its the weekend and not in work, less active.

Time will tell, and will have to do an afternoon basal test to rule that out as a problem. Easily corrected with a correction dose via pump. Not missing injections at all

I very often get a bit of a 'nasty surprise' after the meal immediately after a basal test - the basal test bounce I call it. Looks like I'm not the only one!
I very often get a bit of a 'nasty surprise' after the meal immediately after a basal test - the basal test bounce I call it. Looks like I'm not the only one!

Good name for it, always happened on mdi also, I knew it was my qa then though as I used to be 1/7 breakfast, 1/15 lunch. So, if I missed breakfast would do 1/10 lunch. Now my ratios all seem to be 1/14 all times as long as I have my meals at the correct time.
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