Morning BG levels

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi just been diagnosed with type 2 and I’m taking metformin and glicazide. I’m trying to keep to a low carb diet and my pre evening meal BG levels are now ok (around 5 to 6) but my BG levels first this are always around 8. Anything I can be doing/looking at to try and get these down ? Thanks.
Hi and welcome

Are you also testing 2 hours post meal to see how the food you are eating is affecting your levels> If you can reduce the rise in BG due toi the meal by 2-3 mmols max then the other levels will gradually fall but the waking reading is almost always the last one to respond and can take weeks to shift. It can help me to do some exercise like a brisk walk on an evening too as that reduces my overnight levels quite significantly.
No, I’m just testing twice a day at the moment. First thing in the morning and around 5pm before an evening meal.
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I am guessing that is what the nurse has requested because you are on Gliclazide rather than you using it to tailor your diet to your individual bosy's response to carbs which is what we recommend here on the forum.

Would you like to tell us a bit about how you came to be diagnosed?
Going straight onto Glic would usually indicate that your HbA1c reading (the blood test used to diagnose diabetes) was quite high. Do you know the actual reading? It will usually be a number in excess of 47 but can be into 3 figures if things have gone significantly awry. I was 112 at diagnosis. You do need to be a bit careful going low carb with Gliclazide because that medication encourages your pancreas to produce more insulin and sometimes it can be erratic. If you then significantly reduce the amount of glucose going into your blood stream, you can find go too far the other way. It is quite a delicate balancing act but most of those numbers you are getting are good. I hope you have been advised to test before driving and to carry some Dextrose tablets or jelly babies etc with you at all times just in case you do have a hypo.... particularly by the bed during the night with your test kit and out and about, like if you go out for a walk. 2-3 jelly babies of Dextrose tablets is usually enough to bring your levels up if you do have a hypo.... too many and you risk pushing your levels too high.

Anyway, ask if you need any help but as I said those morning readings are usually the last to come down so hopefully you will start to see your weekly average start to decline over the coming weeks.
i went for a eye test and he referred me to my doctor as I had a small burst vessel at the back of my eye. She took bloods and diagnosed me as type 2. Not sure what my hba1c was - I’ll ask when I see he next at the end of December.
Welcome to the forum @lanch

Well done on the progress you have made so far! Knowing your HbA1c will give you a helpful gauge of your progress.

Waking levels tend to be the last to come into line - partly because the body tends to release glucose somewhere between dawn and when you get out of bed to ‘fire up the burners’ for the day.
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