More Ways to Cope With Type 1 Diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
With all the concern these days about the nationwide epidemic of Type 2 diabetes, it?s easy to lose sight of the less common but much more serious and incurable form of diabetes called Type 1.

Long known as juvenile diabetes, Type 1 diabetes affects about one million Americans and most often begins in childhood, though the condition sometimes develops in adults. It demands near-constant attention to blood sugar levels and treatment with insulin to keep them normal. A failure to do so can quickly become fatal.

(I don't agree with the assertion that Type 1 is 'much more serious and incurable', suggesting other forms of diabetes aren't really serious. In many ways Type 2 can be much more difficult to control and because it may remain undetected for longer there may already be complications :()
ROFL, a few years back I was speaking to a lady from Guernsey whilst we were both on hols in France whose T2 friend had neuropathy, cut his foot whilst out on his yacht (I know LOL) without realising and the long and short was he lost his foot.

What a shame I said, obviously his D wasn't very well controlled then else he wouldn't have had neuropathy in the first place let alone not realised etc. No she said, I expect he had it worse than you.

Plus the geezer in charge of Long Term Conditions at my PCT stood up and addressed a meeting of people with Long Term Conditions and actually used the words in his formal speech 'eg a person with mild diabetes'.

I went apeshit and told him he had a lot to learn about diabetes and he ought to do it damn soon.
In a similar vein......
When I was first diagnosed I went to a local DUK meeting and got chatting to an elderly Type 1 lady. She asked if I was on tablets or injections. I told her tablets and she said, 'Oh, you're only playing at it then!' I was still in newly diagnosed shock so she got away with it. XXXXX
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