More tests on promising diabetes vaccine

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Australasian scientists are hopeful they have cracked a code in the long search for a vaccine against type one diabetes - a disease which affects about one in every 300 to 400 New Zealanders.

An insulin nasal spray has shown promising signs of reducing pre-diabetic intolerance.

Scientists hope that regular doses of the treatment will delay, and eventually prevent, the onset of the autoimmune disease.

"We hope that we can pick up people who are at high risk of developing diabetes in the next five years and delay it," Liggins Institute principal investigator Dr Craig Jefferies said.

"For a two-year-old diabetic in particular, you're having to monitor their blood sugar which affects their moods and you've got to constantly watch what they do.

"If you can delay that until they're five years old, that's a huge difference."
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