More insulin this week?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I seem to be going through another unpredictable insulin, food, exercise phase.
As an example; Monday, I had a total of 26.5 units of insulin of which 10 was basal and the remainder bolus.
The previous Monday I had 20 units, 10 basal and 10 bolus.
I did much the same exercise wise. Running rest day 4 mile walk with dog.
About the same to eat. Monday is always leftover day. One pan, whatever veg remains and rice.
However, I will just go with it until something else happens.
Is this typical?
Sounds normal to me @JonathanGi I can eat exactly the same things two days in a row and have completely different blood sugar results. Sometimes a bolus works for a meal, sometimes it doesn’t even though it’s exactly the same meal. I don’t dwell on it. It’s just part of the endless Type 1 fun.
And I suppose a bit of a stressful couple of days waiting for cancer blood test results et cetera. Blood cancer markers are up a bit but I am resisting another round of tests. I have agreed to see consultant surgeon in a couple of weeks. Life! Ha!
Relaxing atm with a glass of red. Plenty of veg for dinner.
Cancer markers are up a bit from test results. Not too bothered and I am resisting yet another round of tests. I need a break!
Sorry to hear your blood results are causing concern. Hope that is a temporary situation and they settle down again soon.

Don't forget that alcohol will mean you require less insulin and warmer weather usually means less insulin as oppose to the cold wet weather this week 🙄 and stress as mentioned or any inflammation in the body, plus you can't underestimate the impact of the colour of your socks. :D

Yes, my insulin doses vary a lot, even on a low carb way of eating. I just inject whatever I need and don't worry about it. Just the nature of D. I inject as much insulin as I need to manage my diabetes well, but I try not to worry or dwell on it but just accept that it may be quite different today as oppose to yesterday or last week, although I confess I like it best when I need less.
Doesn't bode so well for the rest of this week?
At the start of the year I bought 6 pairs of black socks. I just looked in my drawers. I have one red sock and one blue sock left.

I really thing the impact of sock choice on glucose levels needs much more research.

Perhaps the forum should apply for funding, and conduct the authoritative peer-reviewed observational study on the subject?

It seems scandalous that the research community are almost deliberately avoiding the topic. What are they afraid of finding out???? :confused:
Maybe we can convince a sock manufacturer to fund the research.
Shame Sock Shop no longer exists they would be ideal.
I wonder if it's actually not a colour problem but just not having the appropriate sock on the correct foot? I can't easily tell the difference these days. I had a very thorough eye test and various field of vision checks late last month with a potential change on my right field of view. That along with getting dressed in reduced daylight, now the mornings are a bit lighter ... ?
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