More crap Libre sensors


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The one Abbott sent me to replace the one that ended early, expired on Weds after its allotted 14 days so Thursday lunchtime ish, got one of the new prescription ones I'd got in the meantime and husband applied it to my other arm. Started up OK, scanned it a few times, readings roughly accurate so pleased about that and then went to bed last night, got up this morning and it had expired during the night. so rang Abbott and they're sending me a new one. Hey ho, so removed it and kept it safe so I can send it back, and got the second one out. Husband loaded the sensor into the applicator and said Oh sheet - because no filament apparent. Had a number of 'health' phone calls to make today so I did them but couldn't be bothered to ring A again so will have to ring in the morning.

Damn good job my glucometer still works, ain't it!
I had a faulty one recently. I was mid way into it so not a new one settling in but it kept telling me I was low 2-3 overnight and doing the alarm, but every time I did the finger testing 6-8. It was exhausting so actually I just pulled the thing off at about 4am!
I haven’t got around to calling them yet as I actually need to call insult about 2 omnipod issues so I will do that at the same time but it always takes longer than it should (30+ minutes) and I’ve not geared up the will yet.

I don’t like the old finger testing for longer than the odd day or two but it’s always reliable and sometimes a bit of a nice break actually
I find that if I can generate a large delta BG either up or down (well you usually need both tbh to avoid negative BG territory!) the device will go offline and reset its calibration and then start working a bit closer to the desired range. Doesn't always work, but perhaps worth a go.

This year I've had runs of sensors whose Bluetooth has failed, as well as a fair few with offsets that weren't amenable to an internal calibration change so I had to take them off and get them replaced due to the annoying alarms.

It's very frustrating (especially when the sensor is only 2 days old and Bluetooth has already failed - sore arms!) Interestingly my last sensor had some Bluetooth drop outs that lasted >3h (one on the first night I didn't notice until the morning - I should probably check the XDrip+ alarm for that), then another 7 days in at which point I was thinking of replacing it until I got distracted and it started working again (eventually). Strange that it can stop and then start again, I always assumed these were hardware problems (as in the past they tended to die and never recover - I would continue to use the sensor with a Miaomiao2 attached, which I've annoyingly managed to lose), but perhaps they are in fact (now) software issues.
Well - who knows? They're replacing both and I'll send both back as requested as I've agreed I'll do. Just another flippin (not the word I really mean!) nuisance I could do without and none of us need anyway, any time.
When I had a failed one I ended up going though a long conversation with somebody before she gave in and agreed to send me a replacement, do you have to endure this every time or is there a quicker route? Next time have a failure, and I assume I will have a next time, I'll be in two minds about going through that.
When I had a failed one I ended up going though a long conversation with somebody before she gave in and agreed to send me a replacement, do you have to endure this every time or is there a quicker route? Next time have a failure, and I assume I will have a next time, I'll be in two minds about going through that.
You absolutely should as neither you if you are self funding or the NHS which we are all funding should be bearing the cost of faulty or failed sensors
When I had a failed one I ended up going though a long conversation with somebody before she gave in and agreed to send me a replacement, do you have to endure this every time or is there a quicker route? Next time have a failure, and I assume I will have a next time, I'll be in two minds about going through that.
It’s tedious, but I think the customer service agents have a long screen which they have to get through, I had to ring Dexcom the other day, and it was just the same. I’d had a minor issue before the one I was ringing about, and she spent ages delving into that, and at one point when I said it wasn’t really an issue as I’d sorted the bluetooth dropout by turning my phone off and on, she said, ‘I’m sorry, I have to log everything'
So I don’t think it was a question of 'giving in' and agreeing a replacement, I’m sure she was going to send a replacement from the start, it’s just the hoops you have to jump through so they’ve logged a full picture.
I've started sending an email to the contact address giving absolutely all the info that they ask for (did I need assistance, the log data, serial number of sensor and reader/sw version, 3x comparison with delta lines flat and saying that too, etc.) which means they just get on and send me a replacement after a day or two, much easier than hanging around on the phone answering the same old questions - shame their online form can't have fields to fill all the info in for cases where there's no error message, but instead the readings are too far off or Bluetooth has failed. I suppose making it harder is a way to reduce people requesting replacements, though I suppose there may also be quite a lot of fraud as the sensors are expensive.

In other news, the Bluetooth failed on my 4 day-old sensor at 7am this morning, after getting the kids to school and doing my first morning meeting, I was umming and aring about whether to just replace it (3h after the failure) but thought I'd give it a bit more time (but being sure I had a working sensor before bedtime) and it has just come back to life 4h10m after the start of the comms "blackout". Really weird, it would be great if they could just fix these rather frequent failures. Fingers crossed it keeps working now!
Thanks, if it's normal then I'll just have to live with it, it just seemed excessive and could be more easily done on line.
Thanks, if it's normal then I'll just have to live with it, it just seemed excessive and could be more easily done on line.
Yes its normal I have had the same this morning with them, when I had one fall off they didn't ask a lot compared to today.