More Blood Tests


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello, I’ve been told I fall within the prediabetic range recently. I had a HBA1C early February and then a Fasting Glucose blood test done a couple of weeks ago. The A1C was 43 and the second was 47. My doctor has advised me that I have more bloods done to check if it’s for Type 1 (as this runs in my family.) but he did not specify if this was fasting again or not, can any of you help advise me if it would be another fasting test please?
Thank you.
Hello, I’ve been told I fall within the prediabetic range recently. I had a HBA1C early February and then a Fasting Glucose blood test done a couple of weeks ago. The A1C was 43 and the second was 47. My doctor has advised me that I have more bloods done to check if it’s for Type 1 (as this runs in my family.) but he did not specify if this was fasting again or not, can any of you help advise me if it would be another fasting test please?
Thank you.
You will need to ask the person who ordered the test.
You will need to ask the person who ordered the test.
unfortunately our doctors surgery is super busy and the receptionist said she is not medically trained as to why I thought someone might know on here ☹️
Even if you tell us what test have been ordered , sometimes differnt parts of the country have differnt requirements . Are you going to a hospital to have them done, then you could ring the lab there and ask.
Perhaps @everydayupsanddowns can help .
Do you happen to know if it is the C peptide or the GAD antibody test
Perhaps @everydayupsanddowns can help .
Do you happen to know if it is the C peptide or the GAD antibody test
In my meeting with my doctor, he said he is unsure on what next steps to take so said he was contacting the diabetic team for guidance/reassurance on his decisions etc. He contacted me a few days later saying I needed to book an appointment to have more bloods done to check if it was type 1 or not
But that’s it so not really sure if fasting or non fasting.
In my meeting with my doctor, he said he is unsure on what next steps to take so said he was contacting the diabetic team for guidance/reassurance on his decisions etc. He contacted me a few days later saying I needed to book an appointment to have more bloods done to check if it was type 1 or not
But that’s it so not really sure if fasting or non fasting.
I wish I could help more.
This is all I know.
The C peptide test checks how much insulin your pancreas is producing.
The GAD test looks for the antibodies that destroy the beta cells in the pancreas
Imo they shouldn’t need to be fasting tests but I am no medic

@trophywench , can you help please
You are going to have to call the surgery back. Regardless of how busy they are (I was a Dr's receptionist and i know i would rather spend a moment with a patient and try to get what they need done accurately, rather than do it in the dark, so to speak only to find it having to be repeated because we got it wrong) ....Ask the receptionist to either - speak to the Dr/DN (for clarity) and then call you back or you ring them a few hours later), or, if the surgery operates a 'call back service' (mine does) you can speak directly to the Dr after his morning surgery. Its important this is clarified before you turn up for the BT, as it would be a waste of time (on everyone's part) if its not done to specification first time round. Dont feel bad you are inconveniencing them, thats what they are there for - to help us!.
I agree with @Tee G - I have never to my knowledge had them done, neither has any close family.

The test forms our surgery uses and has for years - pre printed form where boxes are ticked/typed into if special tests/instructions for tests has a bit near the top on the left that gives a choice of either Fasting or Non fasting, and it's a 'required' field.
Just rang them and asked them to check - the receptionist said it is non-fasting! Whereas I got told it is fasting earlier I am assuming it’s a random glucose which is not fasting as I’ve already had the HBA1C & fasting glucose within the past few weeks.
Glad you got your answers @LittleSunflower

Hope the checks provide clarity and point the way forward.
Bloods done! Now to wait for the results
Did you find out what tests they were doing?
All the nurse said was that the doctor has asked for repeat bloods. Took 2 tubes and it was non fasting
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I was going to say if they were doing the special tests for Type 1, they can take longer than other blood test.
I was going to say if they were doing the special tests for Type 1, they can take longer than other blood test.
Well with all of the recent tests, the doctors have been the ones to contact me with the results so I guess I will just have to wait and see!
I hope that the results come soon. It is good that your GP has been on the ball and considered the possibility of T1. Once you know you can come up with a plan for what happens next.
Results are back! The lady just said they are borderline but no further action is required at the moment so there’s no clarification on what type it is (helpful) maybe some more clarity in the weeks to come?