Moral support needed!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all, I'm doing the Glasgow half marathon for diabetes uk on Sunday and to put it midly I'm a tad nervous! I've trained a fair bit but had my fair share of interruptions and so an extra few weeks wouldn't have gone amiss - but alas my time machine doesn't appear to be working. Basically I'm shamelessly asking for some moral support so if you find yourself with a free moment a big virtual cheer at around half ten to send me on my way. then about an hour later a virtual kick up the ass to spur me on and finally maybe about 45 mins later if you could send a virtual rocket in the general direction of my rear end as I fear that may be whats required to get me over the finish line!
Have raised just over ?1000 so far so I'm hoping that thought will spur me on.
Ruth x
Wow - well done you Ruth.
I think the fact you are starting it is the main thing, so I would say jsut do your best and if you get to the end fantastic. I will send lots of cheers at regular intervals for you.
Ruth all the best your going to be great , all the best xxx
That's fantastic Ruth - will be sending you cheers over the ether all the way! 🙂
Well done for raising so much and good luck.🙂Bev
Well done Ruth, will send you lots of cheers :D :D
I'm cheering you on all the way down here in London. I know it works as I did it for my friend when she lived in a place called Killwining in Ayrshire
run ruth run ruth run ruth ra ra ra (waves the pom pom's) cheers all the way
run ruth run ruth run ruth ra ra ra (waves the pom pom's) cheers all the way

If I find my rickshaw in the garden shed I'll come give you a lift when your flagging. Well done Ruth! :D
Go Ruth - have a great run and a great day.
Lots of good tea & cake shops or fish & chip shops for fish suppers in Glasgow after the race.
Thank you all so much! It will really spur me on (I hope). Topcat I'm sure if I stick my head out the door just now I could hear you cheer - I'm only over in Airdrie!
I'm sure you'll be great! Well done on raising so much money, now just enjoy the day!
Fantastic Ruth! I hope the weather is 'just right' and that all goes well! The main thing is to enjoy yourself, so try to pace yourself well, drink when you can and savour the achievement at the end! You'll do great! 🙂
Thank you all so much for your support. Could feel the good vibes all the way round. I did it in 2hrs 19mins - not exactly steve cram but i'm happy enough.
Met an amazing guy called Tom (Wilson) I think who did both the 10k and the half marathon for diabetes uk. Asked him to pop in here sometime to keep us posted on his fundraising efforts - he's doing Everest next!
Thanks again. xx
Thank you all so much for your support. Could feel the good vibes all the way round. I did it in 2hrs 19mins - not exactly steve cram but i'm happy enough.
Met an amazing guy called Tom (Wilson) I think who did both the 10k and the half marathon for diabetes uk. Asked him to pop in here sometime to keep us posted on his fundraising efforts - he's doing Everest next!
Thanks again. xx

Excellent Ruth! Well done! That's a pretty good time too - hope you are not feeling too sore in the morning! Great achievement 🙂
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