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Guy 9

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi im wondering pending on if your blood sugar level is high or low can this cause you to be angry/aggressive/moody ?
Certainly. Welcome to the forum @Guy 9.

For me when really low I can become angry. My T1 cousin of c.50 yrs changes from the most pleasant amiable chap to an aggressive belligerent individual as he's going low. We all can see the hypo mist coming in - he's in complete denial.

When high I can be moody, but try to use mindfulness techniques to get myself to relax and be reasonable. Stress, in all forms, can elevate my BG. So it's v much in my interest to stay relaxed and "not moody or irritated" to help with my BG management.

How long have you been T1 Guy?
Hi im wondering pending on if your blood sugar level is high or low can this cause you to be angry/aggressive/moody ?

Blood glucose levels can have a direct impact on mood, but there is also the added baggage of the frustration of the numbers being out of range despite your best efforts, or that they almost ‘nag’ you about mistakes you made (a bit like that Harry Enfield character who used to continually say “Oooooh you don’t want to do it like that!”).

I don’t usually get anger or stubbornness with lows (though it has happened in the past), but I find highs make me feel very grumpy and have a negative impact on my mood - which along with the frustration can make me quite cross with myself.

Are you worried about the impact of your mood on those close to you?

Do you know why the lows and highs are happening and are there any ways in which you could try to reduce their intensity or make them less frequent?
Certainly. Welcome to the forum @Guy 9.

For me when really low I can become angry. My T1 cousin of c.50 yrs changes from the most pleasant amiable chap to an aggressive belligerent individual as he's going low. We all can see the hypo mist coming in - he's in complete denial.

When high I can be moody, but try to use mindfulness techniques to get myself to relax and be reasonable. Stress, in all forms, can elevate my BG. So it's v much in my interest to stay relaxed and "not moody or irritated" to help with my BG management.

How long have you been T1 Guy?
Thankyou for how you deal with the effects i have been T1 didmoad syndron for 15 years now
I too can get short tempered when hypo. Mostly it comes out of frustration that I am struggling to do something but unlike Roland's cousin, I am aware of it and it is actually one of the last things that alerts me to a hypo if I have ignored/pushed through some of the earlier signs.
Thankyou for how you deal with the effects i have been T1 didmoad syndron for 15 years now
Well thank you for sharing that with me. I'd heard of Wolfran syndrome as a term, but never bothered to look up what that meant, so didn't realise how rare and extreme Didmoad could be. May I ask do you treat your diabetes with MDI or are you on a pump? Do you have CGM, perhaps you are eligible for one of the better CGMs like Dexcom G7, or your pump has its own. I also read just now that Didmoad is normally first encountered and diagnosed in children, yet you have been T1 for 15 years thus hit that hurdle as an adult. Is the T1 a progression from the original Didmoad syndrome, or are you a later starter? Sorry, so many personal questions; please ignore me if you'd prefer!
I too had not heard of Didmoad Syndrome. I am so sorry that you have that to contend with on top of managing diabetes... which is obviously part of the syndrome.. Reading up on it, it seems that the syndrome can cause aggressive behaviour, so if you are experiencing problems with anger and aggression I wonder if it might be the Didmoad rather than your BG level at the time. Obviously if it only happens when you are hypo, then likely just the effect of a hypo and perhaps if you are able to get support to manage your diabetes better then you could reduce or eliminate that problem.

I too would be interested to know how you manage your diabetes and if Multiple Daily Injections (MDI), which insulins you use and do you carb count and adjust your doses according to what you eat or just take a fixed dose for each meal. Also, do you have Constant Glucose Monitoring (CGM) system such as Libre or Dexcom to help you manage your diabetes. The tech these days is improving all the time and there must be funding available to assist people like yourself with complex conditions to access that tech to help you manage things better and make life a little less challenging.
Welcome to the forum @Guy 9 , from another one who had not heard of Didmoad syndrome.
Very pleased that you have found the forum. you are coping with a lot. If you are happy to do so, it will help us in our responses if we know what you use to manage your diabetes: injections or pump, sensor?

Like others I find that my mood can change when my I go low in particular, and I just feel rough and very sluggish if I go low. Do come back with any questions that arise.
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