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My partner is sometimes quite moody, he usually gets nasty with his words which really hurts, is this the diabetes or just him?! :confused:
Well, it's difficult to say, not knowing you, your partner or your relationship, but it CAN be a symptom of diabetes, hun.

I'm told moodiness can be a symptom of diabetes, but I've always been a stroppy cow so that was no guide in my case.
hi Trules we hear alot of this being down to the diabetes as the blood glucose levels go up and down, we take it out on the ones we love and its hard to take it but they know we dont mean it , maybe you could try and get your partner to join this place? as Alison said i have always been a moody mare so you cant really tell this diffirence with me x
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Thanks for the reply's, it is hard sometimes as I know he doesnt mean it but I am a typical woman and take everything to heart and dwell on it!! I dont think he would join this place as "it wouldnt be his thing", he is a typical man, thinks he can do everything on his own and doesnt want to accept help etc!!!
yes trules i know where your coming from well we will all help you whenever you need it and im sure you can pass anything on to him he is willing to listen to x
I dont think he would join this place as "it wouldnt be his thing", he is a typical man, thinks he can do everything on his own and doesnt want to accept help etc!!!

Well, now you've started posting, Trules, why don't you stick around, there are other 'carers' and other halves here. What've you got to lose, lol. We'd love to have you around.

hey sweetie...yes the mood swings are a pain...i thought it was just me going bonkers till i found this place...Clubs...information classes etc wasnt my thing..i went it alone for nearly a year...but here it has really helped...I am realising its not just are not alone...if you can get him to check out some of the threads he may come round to the meantime use it yourself ....women are very good at expressing themselves ...diabetes or not we here for all connected with it XX
Hi Trules,

I know for one that I can be bloody unpleasant when I'm high or low. That said, I can also be a right grumpy git any time of the day or night. However, agression is also a sign of a hypo or a high blood sugar. I hate my mood swings when I get them. They jsut make me unpleasant to be around and I just don't like that which makes me even worse at times.

i have some awful mood swings when low, my OH can vouch for that. I've said and done some horrible things including hitting a paramedic, swearing at my mum and today, i had a right go at one of the team leaders at work. I've said some really horrible things to the OH when like that too. It can be very nasty, and I hate it cuz I always know what I'm saying but can't control it. Thankfully when its all said and done, people usually understand that sometimes we can't help it and all is forgiven
hi Trules we hear alot of this being down to the diabetes as the blood glucose levels go up and down, we take it out on the ones we love and its hard to take it but they know we dont mean it , maybe you could try and get your partner to join this place? as Alison said i have always been a moody mare so you cant really tell this diffirence with me x

yea, same here, my oh says Ive always been a grumpy so and so 😱

I do get irritated by even people breathing in my presence when my bg is high though.
I just joined here yesterday and i would consider myself a "typical bloke" I was completely unaware of my mood swings at work and this has most likely cost me my job. I thought I could cope with this myself and was wrong. I never thought I would visit somewhere like this either but I have already picked up loads of great advice/information. I have posted about my mood swings and probable redundancy on here too.
like everyone else when my blood sugars are high or low i take it out on my partner one night while having a hypo i smacked him one couldnt remember doing it. With me i think its frustration i get very weepy and down
but i am taking one day at a time and thankfully today a good day
but just reading the posts on here makes me feel i am not alone and if i am having a bad day just getting things of your chest here is good and it helps
I'm lucky, if you can call it that, in that my moods usually result in me retiring under my duvet for a good cry. I do have fits of the verbals occasionally, and then I can be very nasty. Of course, it may be as much due to the change of life as the diabetes.🙄
Hi there another bloke here, and yes a moody one, right now in moody central! I think I've been running a bit higher than norm whatever the effing hell that is. I would try and get him on here it sure as hell has/does help me. Although having said all that I do hate blaming things on this fun disease but can't help think that this one can be worse due to the diabetes thing! Still on the red wine tonight trying to sort my head out!!
I'm lucky, if you can call it that, in that my moods usually result in me retiring under my duvet for a good cry. I do have fits of the verbals occasionally, and then I can be very nasty. Of course, it may be as much due to the change of life as the diabetes.🙄

Just like me....and re change of🙂
My latest thing when im low is becoming adament that im not going to treat it because its inconvenient. Seems daft whilst im typing it now but when it happens i tell brad (long suffering OH) that im hypo and then just sit there. He asks what i want as hypo tx and i snap "nothing itll come up on its own". . .bonkers!!

This usually end up in him telling me off and making me eat/drink something whilst im telling him i dont want it and he should butt out.

When i come round we say sorry to eachother but both know i was being a hypo-induced idiot and he was being mean but firm nurse! Thats the end of it.

I do get generally grumpy when im high but normally just go quiet and sometimes a bit snappy. He knows i dont mean it and i cant help it. I think it helps that he takes a very active role in my condition, he gets a run down of every hypo, consultant appointment, annoying no reason spike etc.

He even tried the finger pricker, pen needle and more recently the cannula inserter for my pump because he wanted to know what i they all felt like for me.

I think its easier to understand from the "outside" if you can be part of the little things. I know i would e lost without his support and im sure your OH really appreciates how much you care.

(Dont let him blame the diabetes all the time though - sometimes im just a grumpy cow because i feel like it like everybody else :D)

Hi there another bloke here, and yes a moody one, right now in moody central! I think I've been running a bit higher than norm whatever the effing hell that is.

Don't shoot me, but I'm sorry, that had me PMSL !! :D:D

Hmm, yes this can often be a great indicator to others that i'm at one extreme end of the glucose level spectrum! My mother often demanding I check 'my levels'! Not so bad now i'm 28 but when I was 18, I was a teen and this was often confused with just the hormones of growing up but blamed as my diabetes! You don't mention how old you both are but I presume (dangerous to presume, I know!) that he isn't a teen so this moodiness isn't the cause!

Ha ha, I too SALMONPUFF have hit a paramedic, sugars were 0.6! Coming round, lashed out at 2 men! Ended up giving them a choc cake to say sorry!!!!! No assult charges were made! Lol!
I would agree without knowing your partner and your relationship it is difficult to say if the mood swings are him or the diabetes.

As a type 2 on tablets, if my sugars are running high I can be very difficult to live with.

Most men are not keen to seek help for themselves. My husband said the same of his arthritis and another forum.

I'm sure things will sort themselves out, it needs patience all round. If you are worried try talking to the doctor or nurse at your practice.
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