monthly. females only

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Can diabetes cause iregularity with the menstrual cycle?

Im sure this has been asked before, but i cant find the thread. :(
I think everyone is different.

I had some irregularity problems earlier this year, but I think this was mostly due to attempting the Pill again and managing it for only a week.

Finally now am starting to get back to a normal cycle - the last 4 months have been 31 days, 28, 31 & 31. This is the first of me having a normal cycle in about 6 years, after trying and failing with several Pills. My body definitely likes it best when I leave it well alone!
Strangely enough my periods stopped in April and I assumed it was the dreaded menopause...then once I started metformin and diabetes treatment they came back. The Doctor said it probably was the diabetes stopping yes, it appears it can mess up your cycle, don't quite know how or why and I now have less PMS symptoms...probably from the better diet.
I didnt think that diabetes could completely stop periods. :confused:

But i havent had one this month. Last ones started:
July 31
June 29
May 29
(Negative PT before anyone asks), Have never been on the pill.
I didnt think that diabetes could completely stop periods. :confused:

But i havent had one this month. Last ones started:
July 31
June 29
May 29
(Negative PT before anyone asks), Have never been on the pill.

I am not sure either about it stopping them totally, but i certainly dont stay on as long and im never heavy anymore, its ridiculous i used to be able to say to the nearest hour and day when i was due on but these days i just never know it is a real pain x
Lot of things (apart from pregnancy) can reduce frequency of periods eg low body weight, excess physical training / activity, stress etc, all of which can happen with/out diabetes. I carried ou a research study covering several 6 week expeditions in Greenland, Svalbard, Russia & Canada in early 1990s - many of the young women explorers (aged 16 to 20 years) and leaders (age range 20s to 50s) reported that they had fewer / less troublesome periods on expeditions than at home. All expeditions involved heavy load carrying in rucksacks, science field work, camping etc; some involved ice climbing, glacier travel on feet or skis, sea kayak touring etc.
Honestly, I've no idea. I was told I was both diabetic and menopausal so which of those things has caused the irregularity is anyone's guess. However, any major illness can affect your cycle so there's a good chance the diabetes has affected you.
My periods were iregular long before beign diagnosed with diabetes and my mothers were always iregular.

There are things that will make a difference, if you have lost or gained a lot of weight, your age (i.e you are going through the menopause). It's possible that as you regulate your blood glucose it will have an effect on your periods, but I wouldn't say diabetes itself is a direct cause.

If you are worried or have concerns talk to someone like your doctor or DSN and see if they can offer any help.
I did go camping 4 days over bank holiday weekend of which i did a fair bit more walking.
But stopping completely? :confused:
Hi Akasha,

I'd give it another week or so, then try another pregnancy test. If it's still negative go see your doctor, mostly just to put your mind at rest - it doesn't sound like this is normal for you.

One thing I've found really helps with regularity & hormone levels is Evening Primrose Oil. Since I started taking this my symptoms are nowhere near as bad, and am more regular.

Good luck! Keep us posted.
Hey purple duck
I spoke to my DSN this morning when i had my CGM fitted.
She said if i still hadnt come on by Friday (Wehn cgm comes off) take them a sample for checking.
I do already take Evening primrose oil tablets to as it helps the skin (i have ezchma also)
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