monthly cycle

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Been diabetic for 27 yrs and work very hard at keeping it under control....but the diabetes is always one step ahead!
My monthly cycle sends my blood sugars crazy - My blood sugars are only stable for 2 weeks of every month. For the other 2 weeks of each month I have to drastically increase my insulin (~ double) before reducing back down to "normal".
I am hoping that going on the pill may help to flatten out the peaks and troughs of hormones (and hence blood sugars). Does anyone have any advice that may be usefull.....has anyone found any ways of reducing/managing the monthly fluctuations? Combined pill or progesterone only?
Any ideas appreciated!
I had the a similar problem - four or five days before I was due, my blood sugars would go through the roof, and then I'd crash. It was a real problem, and it was never predictable enough for me to raise or lower my insulin pre-emptively.

I've been on the progesterone-only pill for almost a year now, and it's made a huge difference. I was only offered the choice of the POP because I've been diabetic for more than twenty years. I went on the pill for other reasons, but the effect on my blood sugars was an unintended bonus!

I'd suggest speaking to your GP, it's definitley something I would at least consider, and they'll be able to fill you on details. 🙂
Hi npsmithers ...

I can only really say what randomage has .. please go and speak to your gp .. My friend has been diabetic for 37 years since 8mth old .. and she had very similar problems as yourself ... after trying several methods .. mini pill, combined pill, IUD, Coil ... the Depo injection worked brilliantly for her.

hi npsmithers and welcome to the site , i can only reitterate what has been said go and see your gp get your mind put at rest x
Hiya! Can't really add to what's been said...I did notice though that when off the pill there were more changes throughout the month! Definitely worth a trip to the docs!

Do men realise how lucky they are?! 🙄😛
Sounds like you have it bad, i only ever got little changes and it was fine being low cause ment i could eat a lil chocolate when craving it.
I have been on the mini pill for about 2 years now since then its been fine.
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