Month 1 numbers

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I just made a chart of my highs and lows for the first month in purgatory. The trend is down, but I've still got quite a way to go. I hope I can keep it up... I mean down.
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"Claps hands enthusiastically" - thats brilliant! Well done - you have put a lot of effort into this so you should give yourself a big pat on the back!:DBev
That's excellent progress Alison, and a very useful picture to illustrate the improving trend!🙂
So this is good then? I wasn't sure.

I've been doing the low carb, low fat, low sugar, low salt thing since day one. No fizzy drinks, no chocolate, no butter. Hardly any bread or potatoes and only a little pasta and rice. No frying, very little meat or fruit but lots of veg. No alcohol, but lots of tea and water. I walk everywhere. I'm a lot less stressed here at home than in London, I'm sure that helps. I think the real test will come when the novelty wears off and I get tempted to fall off the wagon.

The diet today:

Breakfast, 50gms oatmeal, 150 ml milk (1% semi-skimmed) S&P. Tea with milk. Pill.

Lunch, 300mls soup. Tea.

Dinner, seafood korma with a little rice (no naan :( ), around 500gms. Tea. Pills.

Snack, a muesli bar with nuts and cranberries, tea, water.

I'm not doing calories, or actually measuring carbs but I am testing at least four times a day and reading the labels on everything I buy.
not as flash as steff ...but (hope this works)
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well done alison great numbers hun x
Fantastic Alison!! You deserve success, you've obviously worked very hard at it.

Graph very clearly shows the improvement and downward trend. Keep it up and I'm sure things will continue to improve
have to say a big well done, some one said you moved home and kept things on a downward trend wow ,moving home has to be one of the most stressful things to do done it 4 times in the last 28 years ,
wish i had your drive and mental strength alisonm i give up to easily lol
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