Monstrously irritated...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So, I've not had a good couple of days of bloods. I've been shooting up to levels of around eighteen post meals. I thought it was just the one set that I had in. I changed today and I've been getting the same thing. I've called Medtronic to let them know what's been going on and they are going to get me a new set of quick sets. Changed my set again and I've also corrected. This has done nothing to make a crappy day better. It's also one hell of baptism of fire too. I think I will also go and see the nurse to get that supply of reservoirs because I am now down to four due to mistakes today and I'm not happy at all.

Tom all the stress you have been under is also probably not helping either but im sure the pumpers will have some thoughts x
Poor Tom, not a good day. Hope today is better?

Are you sure its the equipment? You may be going down with something, just stressed (my bg goes up to around 20 when stressed)

Or it may be as simple as looking at your ratios, dont forget its early days for you still. Have a good day Tom. 🙂
Things are better now. I've had some underlying issues with my basal since the traces of levemir washed out of my system to I've put myself onto a new basal of 1.1 units per hour from 2100 to 0700 which should hopefully sort me from rising up too much. I'm not an more stressed than I otherwise am and fortunately I'm not going down with anything. The only reason I know this is because of the fact that when I don't eat my bloods stay pretty stable unless it's overnight when they rise to about 10 mmol/L by morning. I've just sorted that I think. We'll see how today goes.

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Hi Tom,

it's very frustrating isn't it?

I've been going through the same thing over the last couple of weeks.

I've just had a couple of days checking my basals and they seem fine.

Yesterday was a good day, so I'm hoping it was just a series of cannula failures, air bubbles or whatever.

I've also gone back to using metal cannulas instead of the teflon ones just to make sure it wasn't that that was causing the problem.
Pre breakfast blood was 7.2 mmol/L. Gave four units for a massive sandwich when I probably needed more. Got 13.5 mmol/L an hour and forty minutes later. Corrected with two units and a few moments ago I had a 10.7 mmol/L. New set seems to be helping. I've got air bubbles in my reservoir which isn't doing anything to amuse me at all.

I've found that the best thing to do with air bubbles is to see if you can them to the outlet end of the reservoir by flicking or tapping the reservoir then disconnecting the tube and bolusing the bubbles out.
OK, you'll lose some insulin but it's better than trying to watch them through the tube and getting rid of them one by one.
As the pump is only delivering a tiny amount of insulin at a time, it would only take a small bubble to prevent you from getting insulin for a couple of hours.
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