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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Can anyone recommend an accurate and reasonably priced monitor? My current one gave me entirely different readings within a moment. I tried it again as I was dubious! Admitrably, it was cheap. I only test once a week to get an approximate of my sugars.
Hi. How entirely different was the reading? ie can you tell us what the readings you got were? All meters or perhaps more correctly test strips are allowed a 15% error margin, so you may be expecting too much from it.
The deciimal place shown on meter displays gives a false sense of their accuracy.
Do you test at the same time of day each week? ie when you first wake up each morning or 2 hours after breakfast every week etc? If you are just doing random tests once a week, they will give you no reasonable information. Having a testing strategy and using it to gain information is essential with BG testing.
BG is not like blood pressure, it goes up and down sinificantly throughout the day and night and particularly in response to food and exercise and stress and illness, so one test a week especially if it is a random test, will not give you useable data.
I do it on a wednesday, 2 hours after breakfast. The meter I recently bought is very easy to use, was cheap too but I took my level today and it was 9, I retested literally a minute or so after as I doubted the reading and it said 7....
If in doubt I do two tests one after the other. Sometimes the number is the same. Other times it's different but around the same mark. Tee2+.
Well, at least your second reading was lower than the first which is what I would expect as it should be reducing 2 hours after food and 7 and 9 would give you an average of 8 which is acceptable. ie. there isn't a massive disparity between the results and probably within the 15% error margin, so I don't think there is too much to worry about.
Out of curiosity, which meter are you using?
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