Mobile phone

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May Rhymer

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello all,
A bit of a random one!
If you have a pin, lock or thumb print on your phone, does this mean you can't just open your phone to look at on your Libre App?
Thanks in advance for any help.
It mean that you need to unlock your phone to open any app including LibreLink.
I consider the protection of my data on my phone that this the lock provides is worth the additional step.

There are unofficial third party apps like xDrip+ and Diabox which will provide a widget for your lock screen that show your current BG. However, these apps are often a bit fiddly to set up and assume a certain level of technical knowledge.
Many thanks foy your very useful and speedy response.

It mean that you need to unlock your phone to open any app including LibreLink.
I consider the protection of my data on my phone that this the lock provides is worth the additional step.

There are unofficial third party apps like xDrip+ and Diabox which will provide a widget for your lock screen that show your current BG. However, these apps are often a bit fiddly to set up and assume a certain level of technical knowledge.
It mean that you need to unlock your phone to open any app including LibreLink.
I consider the protection of my data on my phone that this the lock provides is worth the additional step.

There are unofficial third party apps like xDrip+ and Diabox which will provide a widget for your lock screen that show your current BG. However, these apps are often a bit fiddly to set up and assume a certain level of technical knowledge.
Yes I use Gluroo which shows as a widget even locked and can link to the watch. It’s not 100% reliable as it works well for weeks and then just stops working and you have to reset the settings but then it works again.
It’s not too much a of a faff, and does add some benefit so I still use it.

My phone is work provided so pin and face unlock are a must for security reasons. But even before this I have always had these settings.

These days the standard security controls actually make your phone only worth parts and not resale so it’s better protection if you have the locks in place. And your personal data is so important!
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