Mmol reading before bed

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I've been fasting after go ahead from nurse etc in way of having more control of my sugar levels, recently gone med free, within last couple months.

Just got reading of 4.3 on prick test, am I best to eat something before bed so this doesn't go under the 4 marker while I sleep? Just trying to gauge of people's experience here
Are you on any medication?

You don’t need to eat, generally, if levels are that are low. Your body will make sure enough glucose is being made to keep you alive.
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Previously on metformin and once weekly injections(Dulaglutide)

Came off metformin first under nurses advice, then 4-5 months later the injections, also on speaking to nurse

Done well over last couple months at controlling levels without need of meds but still few questions so will need to ring nurse again.
If you are not on any medication then dropping below 4 is not a problem anyway particularly in the depths of your sleep. Your liver will release glucose to bring you back up before morning.
The hypo level of below 4 is really just a figure intended for those of us on insulin or insulin inducing medication like Gliclazide. Many non-diabetic people drop below 4 from time to time and during the early hours it is more common. It is rare for non diabetic people to drop below 3.5 without very serious exercise or alcohol, so 3.5 is generally a more reasonable level for an actual hypo, but those of us on insulin treat it as below 4 in order to preserve our hypo awareness which is our natural safety net.
There is no need for you to top up your levels with a bedtime snack if your levels are in the low 4s at bedtime or indeed worry about dropping below 4 whilst you sleep, if you are not on diabetes medication.

It sounds like you have done really brilliantly to come off medication by the way and especially to be getting readings in the low 4s at bedtime. Congratulations on your amazing success.
I often go to bed with my BG below 5.0 but as @rebrascora has said, it's not a problem for people like us who aren't on meds. My lowest is 4.1 but it was 5.7 when I got up the following morning, so my liver clearly took care of things while I was asleep.
If you are not on any medication then dropping below 4 is not a problem anyway particularly in the depths of your sleep. Your liver will release glucose to bring you back up before morning.
The hypo level of below 4 is really just a figure intended for those of us on insulin or insulin inducing medication like Gliclazide. Many non-diabetic people drop below 4 from time to time and during the early hours it is more common. It is rare for non diabetic people to drop below 3.5 without very serious exercise or alcohol, so 3.5 is generally a more reasonable level for an actual hypo, but those of us on insulin treat it as below 4 in order to preserve our hypo awareness which is our natural safety net.
There is no need for you to top up your levels with a bedtime snack if your levels are in the low 4s at bedtime or indeed worry about dropping below 4 whilst you sleep, if you are not on diabetes medication.

It sounds like you have done really brilliantly to come off medication by the way and especially to be getting readings in the low 4s at bedtime. Congratulations on your amazing success.
Brilliant, will bare this in mind if have reading in 4's again before bed, thank you.

Did go for midnight snack in the end as wasn't sure last night but will bare in mind for next time.

Thank you for in depth response, still very much learning curve.

Thank you again
I often go to bed with my BG below 5.0 but as @rebrascora has said, it's not a problem for people like us who aren't on meds. My lowest is 4.1 but it was 5.7 when I got up the following morning, so my liver clearly took care of things while I was asleep.
Thank you, thanks for ypur reply, helps massively
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