MM 780G / T:Slim X2 / Dana i / Mylife YpsoPump


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, I'm a type 1 diabetic, managing for 20 years on injections, recently adding FreeStyle Libre 2, which has made a huge difference.

I've just been offered an HCL pump by my diabetes clinic, and wondered if anyone using any of them had any comments on how they find them. What do you like about your pump? Why did you choose it? Is there anything you wish you'd known?

The systems I am being offered are:
  • MiniMed 780G, Guardian 4
  • t:slim X2, Control‑IQ, Dexcom G6 or G7
  • Dana i, CamAPS, Dexcom G6 or G7
  • mylife YpsoPump, Dexcom G6 or FreeStyle Libre 3
Welcome to the forum @ariddlestone

I have just finished 4 years with the Tandem tSlim and Dex G6 (best results I’ve ever had, but a bit of alarm fatigue).

After some uncertainty and pondering I’ve now switched to the Medtronic MM780G with the new Simplera sensors. Early days, but it’s looking promising so far and seems to be adjusting and adapting to suit me. I don’t always understand the adjustments it’s making, but I’m just letting it do its thing at the moment.

The different sensor-augmented pump systems I have used have all had their quirks. And there seems to be a need for each user to learn what settings are needed, and what information each system needs you to give it in order to get it to work well for you.

Happy to answer any questions you have.

I wrote this about my switch decision recently

I don’t loop @ariddlestone but I do have a Dana i pump - it’s brilliant! I also have a Dexcom G7, which I adore <3 It’s so incredibly accurate. @Saoirse loops with the Dana i though so I’ll tag her.

I chose the Dana i because it’s small but holds 300 units; excellent quality; robust; well-designed; very good choice of sets and cannulas which are good quality too; and because I can control it from my phone using the Dana app so no need to get my pump out to bolus or change basal rates or anything; and because the customer service is excellent.

Whichever pump you choose, it should be the right pump for you as an individual. The trick is to know what you want feature-wise; know what cons you couldn’t cope with; and to research, research and research! Make charts, watch YouTube videos, etc etc. Narrow it down to 2 pumps then make your choice based on your needs.

I had 6 pumps to choose from, including the 4 on your list. I initially tended towards the T Slim but when I saw it in the flesh, I didn’t like the size and shape. I had ruled out the YpsoPump because it was very new at that time. I then ruled out the Medtronic due to issues with cracks in the pump casing and reports of poor customer service. So I chose the Dana and haven’t regretted it. I was offered the option of looping with it, but didn’t want to.
I use the Medtronic 780 with their sensors in a closed loop. I have been using this for four years now and it has been a game changer for me. I find that I am able to ignore my diabetes for a large portion of the day, whilst the pump makes any adjustments in the background. I will be switching to their new sensors in Dec beer when I get my next 780, having chosen to stick with this one for another four years. Happy to answer any questions that you have.

As others have said, each system has its quirks, but there are plenty on here using each of the options that you have been offered.
Thanks all for your replies!

My current thinking is:
  • I'm on about 90-100 units insulin per day at the moment, so the 160 unit limit for the YpsoPump drops it down the list
  • Some of the limitations around how the t:slim works (and some of the problems mentioned by @everydayupsanddowns - thank you for such a detailed review of your decision to change) make me more wary of it, coupled with the short battery life and need to recharge rather than just popping a new battery in
That leaves the MiniMed and the Dana. I'm inclined towards the Dana because of the small form-factor, and the ability to control it from my phone, so the pump can stay safely tucked away when I'm out and about. I also prefer the idea of the more open system, where the CGM could be changed if it's not working for me, other apps being able to connect to the Dexcom etc.

I'm still researching, but thanks for all your help so far - it's good to be able to talk to people who have some experience of these techs 🙂