Mixtard 30 query

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Billy Da Kid

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is anyone out there having problems with mixtard 30? I have been on it for four months anbd find it very unstable compared to my old mixtard 10. Any comments will be appreciated.
I don't and have never used a mix so can't give personal expereince. what do you mean by unstable? do you mean the insulin reacts differently? or that your blood sugars are unstable?

how often were you taking mixtard 10?
My son is using Mixtards 30, he is 10 and has been diabetic for just over a year, are you injecting 30 minutes before you eat, silly question I'm sure but I don't know if the same rules apply to mixtard 10. As it has 30% fast acting and 70% slow acting, are you on the right dose? Sorry if that sounds obvious, you've probably been doing it for far longer than us, just an idea.🙂
Hi Anne my son is also 10 and diagnosed 7 weeks ago. I just wondered whether your son has been on a diabetics uk holiday or weekend away? We are thinking about sending our boy but would like to know if anyone on the forum has any experience of them. Thanks. Bev
He hasn't been on one yet, but I am thinking of doing one soon, I have looked into them and they sound great, I was thinking of doing the family weekend first, they are where the parents go to talks etc from health professionals etc and the children do fun things. The Diabetic support group that we attend said they would sort it for us.
Is anyone out there having problems with mixtard 30? I have been on it for four months anbd find it very unstable compared to my old mixtard 10. Any comments will be appreciated.

I was on mixtard 30 and then they changed it to Novomix 30 - both seem a bit hit and miss at times
I was put on Mixtard 30 when I was first diagnosed. It didn't work for me, as I was either in a hypo or hyper. I spent many nights sorting out hypos, before I asked to be changed to a basal bolus regime. I'm now on Levemir and Novorapid, I mostly have good control, with only the odd blip.
Is anyone out there having problems with mixtard 30? I have been on it for four months anbd find it very unstable compared to my old mixtard 10. Any comments will be appreciated.
My daughter has been on mixtard 30 for 3 years and has good and bad days control wise - although i must say she is normally on level pegging.

The 30 minute rule ie give before eating certainly helps - although I must say is not always feasable as family life and routines change. I have a half unit pen and find that fantastic as you can amend your dosage slightly to see if the control requires a little more or less to stabalise things - maybe that is worth considering too.

Hope it works out.

Is anyone out there having problems with mixtard 30? I have been on it for four months anbd find it very unstable compared to my old mixtard 10. Any comments will be appreciated.

Hi Billy

Mixtard 30 has a lot more short acting insulin in the mix so its bound to be different. Its 30% fast acting and 70% intermediate acting. Whereas before you were only having 10% of fast acting insulin. You dont say whether you have type 1 or 2. If this regimen is not working well have you been given advice about another insulin regimen which will give you better control?
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