Missing meals and meds


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just back from a few days away from home when meals and meds were a bit hit and miss. I'd forget to take my two Metformin in middle of main meal, forgetfulness or embarrassment maybe, if indeed I had a main meal. I also missed a few breakfasts as I'm coeliac and there was nothing suitable - next time I'll take my own food. I'm due to go away again for a few days at a time involving long journeys when it's difficult to plan meals. Friend tells me that as a T2 I need to have regular meals. Is this so? I'm wondering if I have done any damage?
On the plus side, I'm pleased to have lost 20kg since January thanks to the excellent advice on this forum and ignoring current advice from NHS HCPs!
Wow!! Congrats on the impressive weight loss! Well done!

As regards regular meals, the only reason it is suggested that you eat regularly is so that you are not tempted to snack in between meals or instead of meals on foods which are not so good for you, but if you are comfortable not eating breakfast or having breakfast and skipping lunch then there is no other reason why not.
Obviously with metformin, the standard release version need to be taken with food, to reduce the risk of digestive upset, but you can take them at lunch and evening meal if you skip breakfast or vice versa. They tend to build up in the back ground rather than acting on the meal you eat them with, so missing a dose or two here or there will not make any real difference as long as it isn't a regular occurrence.

If you test your BG levels yourself, you may find that your levels rise on a morning due to Dawn Phenomenon/Foot on the Floor syndrome where your liver releases glucose to give you energy for the day ahead and will only stop when you eat something, so in that scenario, skipping breakfast might not be the best idea, but sometimes just a few nuts or a small chunk of cheese or a boiled or scrambled egg will sort it out without having to eat a full breakfast.
Thank you Barbara, that's so helpful and reassuring. It all makes sense now.
I don't have breakfast often. Got used to it years ago and really only have it when we are away and only if there is something suitable.....a makedo snack as has been suggested. I always have a pack of snack bars with me, but you need to look at the carb contents as some can be quite high. As for the Metformin. I own up to taking mine in the morning on an empty stomach with all my other medication. .....and my strong coffee. I think that I have been lucky as it's not given me any digestion or bowel problems.........so far!!!!!
Hi @madgy and well done on the weight loss!
I've just been away for 5 days and have not taken metformin on a couple of occasions (just because I forgot) and my meals have been a bit all over the place.
It's a good idea if you can take your own food. On long journeys I generally take some cheese chunks and a sliced apple, or some strawberries to chomp on in case I'm stuck in traffic.
Best of luck on your next trip! x
@madgy I can't see any reason to eat regularly -
As I am approaching 8 years from diagnosis I am eating more erratically, sometimes only one meal a day, sometimes something small as I have no appetite, but then I went and ate 5 eggs - I've never eaten 5 eggs in one meal in my life - but I went and did it.
Today I had two lamb chops for breakfast, then beef and mushrooms with a half serving of peas for dinner. The more I do what feels right the better I feel all over.
Congratulations on your weight loss @madgy

Have you begun to formulate any plans for your next trip based on your last experiences?
Congratulations on your weight loss @madgy
I look forward to hearing more of your travels