Missing injections

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello I have been on insulin injections for the past 3 months and am struggling as I often forget to take at least one injection a day - I am on two a day. Could you please tell me what effect this may have.
Hello Jeanne, what insulin are you injecting, is it Lantus or Levemir? If so, these are slow acting insulins that work to counteract the glucose that is slowly being released by your liver throughout the day and night, to keep our body's functioning (heart beating, breathing, etc.). If there is not enough insulin available then this glucose can't be used efficiently and blood sugar levels will climb.

By missing injections you will be reducing the effectiveness of glucose use and will suffer the effects of higher than normal blood sugars. In time this can cause much bigger problems. You won't stop breathing or anything, but your body will not work as well. It's very important that you try and get a system going that will remind you that you have to take your injections and stick to it - perhaps an alarm on your mobile phone or other device, or possibly on your blood testing meter if it has one.
nothing to add to what northener said, but when I first went on to 4 injections a day i had to set an alarm to remind me. I used to put reminders up on my wall too.

An alarm might help, or something that triggers your memory 🙂
Thank you for your responses. I am currenlty on Novomix 30 twice a day. I shall put an alarm on so that I remember to take my injections.
Thank you for your responses. I am currenlty on Novomix 30 twice a day. I shall put an alarm on so that I remember to take my injections.

Ah, that's different to just a slow-acting as it also includes a fast-acting component to help 'cover' the carbohydrate in your meals. This might mean your levels rising even higher, so set those alarms!🙂
welcome jeanne aswell...cant help re injections im just on the meds but wanted to say welcome to the forum
As you will be taking it immediatly prior to meals are you testing at that time also? Maybe you could put your insulin pen with your meter and then would be able to remember to do it then?
When I was on novomix30 i kept it by my bed as I took one injection when i got up and the other when i went to bed...
I am on novomix 30 twice daily at the moment. I inject 56 units before my breakfast and then 40 units before my evening dinner. I remember as I know it is with those 2 meals.

However, I am moving on to humalog 50 x 3 injections daily next Friday when I see the DSN again :(
Hi Jeanne, I had lots of problems remembering to have injections at one point. Sometimes I could not even remember whether I had taken it or not 5 mins later.
I now have an alarm on my mobile set for when I have to take my slow acting shots.
You will get there

-it is hard

(so much so that when I changed from before meals to after, if I remembered NOT to take before a meal, I often forgot afterwards for quite a while 🙄)

but it does get easier - honestly 🙂
Hi. I have an infallable procedure which I have developed over the past 23 years. You need to aquire a really naff injection technique, where the site is still throbbing 4 hours later, or, take a hint from my user name.
Hi. I have an infallable procedure which I have developed over the past 23 years. You need to aquire a really naff injection technique, where the site is still throbbing 4 hours later, or, take a hint from my user name.

lol :D i reckon setting an alarm would be less painful and also a bit safer all around

my dsn showed me this poster of a blunt needle, and told me of the problems that could come with it...made me begin changing my needle every time. Don't want to be sticking that in me 😱
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