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Missing a dose of Trulicity


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am a Type 2 diabetic. I was started on Trulicity 0.75mgs 5 weeks ago and following a terrible few days, 3 days after the second injection - tummy pain, diarrhoea and fatigue - I had no side effects from the next 2 injections. I have now been put up to 1.5mgs and have experienced the same side effects, from 3 days after the first injection, which seem to be receding this evening. I am due to go away on my own for 3 days next week and am frightened of being ill when away as I literally have been in bed for 2 days. Does anyone know whether, if I skip the next dose ie. miss a week, whether this increases the risk of the side effects again when i restart it? I can't go through the last 3 days again. By the way I want to persevere with Trulicity if I can as my blood sugars are great!
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I wonder if it might be possible to reduce your dose back down for next week rather than skip it altogether. If the side effects are that bad though I think you should be discussing how it affects you with your nurse or GP who prescribed it.

I am going to tag @Lucyr as I think she has tried this medication or a similar one and might have more idea.

Best to discus it with your Health Care Professional though, especially if you are considering skipping a dose. I appreciate getting to speak to them or getting an appointment can be really challenging. Not sure if your surgery has an online consultation facility like AskMyGP or System Online where you can send a message to a specific medical professional at your surgery about a new or ongoing issue, but worth using that facility if they have it particularly for a query like this. I actually used this online system when I was diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago and it worked brilliantly. Sent an email enquiry via the system Sunday night, got an email Monday morning with an appointment for a blood test with the nurse on Tues and was diagnosed by Wed!

Hope you get something sorted and you have a good trip away and your system settles down to the Trulicity soon.
I’d read the leaflet as I’m sure it explained what to do when missing a dose, or call the person that prescribed it. I just can’t remember what the leaflet said, only that my ozempic leaflet explained all the forgotten doses, feeling ill etc what to do
Hope your side effects continued to settle @Welshteddy

Trulicity does seem to be one of those meds where folks find it easier to build up the doses gradually. Good to hear it had such a positive effect on your BG levels, but I can understand your caution if you are going away.

Hope you can chat things through with your GP and develop a plan.
Thank you all for your replies. The symptoms have largely gone now after 4 very long days! I had a phone call with the nurse this morning and the excellent news is that my Hba1c has reduced from 109 in April to 56 on Monday. I was astonished! (I had a month on Semaglutide tablets before the Trulicity but had to stop as they couldn't get them any more ) After discussion we decided I would skip a week, to be well for my holiday, then restart and see what happens. If it happens again I can drop to the lower dose, something I hadn't thought of.
Many congratulations on a great HbA1c result and so pleased you have an agreed plan of action regarding your trip away and return to medication with your nurse. Hope you have a great time.
Well done on the terrific A1c reduction! You must be delighted.

Onwards and downwards :)