Missed Metformin

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Away for a couple of nights, I stupidly forgot to pack my Metformin, so have missed three consecutive doses. What are the issues here?
Looks like you are on 2x500 per day? You'll be fine. Don't over load on your return home - do not try to make up for missed dose(s)

If you are concerned, maybe just make a minor adjustment to your diet while you are away. A small reduction in the amount of carbs might help keep your finger prick results were you want them.
No issues. Just take it normally when you’re home.
Might see a slight rise in fasting levels as the effects will wear off after a few days, but nothing drastic, as 1000mg doesn't really bring it down much anyway. (Probably less than the margin of error with glucose meters!)

Over 1500mg is where the effects are greatest.
Thanks for the replies. I suspected it would probably be ok. But that’s the first time I’ve ‘lapsed’in over five years so was slightly concerned.
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