Missed meds a question

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have not taken any meds at all today, last night due to reasons i dont want to go into I flushed the lot down the toilet. I took my insulin as normal last night but have no meds for today(have insulin). Will it do any damage to miss them for one day. I see my gp tomorrow morning and will get replacement meds then.
Gail, can you not speak to your nice gp today?
I have not taken any meds at all today, last night due to reasons i dont want to go into I flushed the lot down the toilet. I took my insulin as normal last night but have no meds for today(have insulin). Will it do any damage to miss them for one day. I see my gp tomorrow morning and will get replacement meds then.

Hi Gail,

As I don't know what meds you are on, I can't comment really. I hope you are okay though and you see your GP tomorrow and get back on track! Take care.
Can't offer any advice really. talk to your GP if you can. I hope you are OK.
Hi Gail, do you still have the patient information leaflets? They usually tell you what to do if you miss a dose. Otherwise, ring NHS Direct and see if they can help (or your GP, of course).
Being pragmatic, there's not much you can do without seeing your GP to get replacements. Good thing you can't flush insulin down the toilet as easily as others 🙂 Hope it goes well.
Gail, ring the GP and ask - he wouldnt mind you asking and may be able provide what you need.🙂Bev
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Have spoken to my CPN about it and told her why etc, she said one day will not matter to much but my bs may be affected a litlle bit. I see gp tomorrow and am sure im in for a bit of a ticking off but better that than the alternative I guess
I sometimes forget to take my meds and i'm sure that one day of your diabetes meds won't cause too much trouble for your blood sugar, I'd be more worried about your other meds. Missing them might make you feel a bit weird or unwell, but if you're coping allright then there's probably no long term harm there. Hope you don't get too much of a grilling from your doctor and you get it sorted out.

I sometimes forget to take my meds and i'm sure that one day of your diabetes meds won't cause too much trouble for your blood sugar, I'd be more worried about your other meds. Missing them might make you feel a bit weird or unwell, but if you're coping allright then there's probably no long term harm there. Hope you don't get too much of a grilling from your doctor and you get it sorted out.


I will not get a grilling from my gp hes a real rock to me. I think i will be ok or put it another way i dont think missing the psychiatric meds will hurt just for one day i mean it cant mess me up just missing anti ds(seroxat), anti psychotics (resperidone)for one day. I know my gp is talking about maybe having my anti psychotic by the injection form but am trying to resist that, on the other hand it would be nice to have not to take two tablets less
Well I saw my GP this morning. That man is a saint how he puts up with me I dont know. I burst into tears as soon as i got into his room. Told him everything about flushing the meds down toilet, how i was seeing things like shadows that I know cant be there. He rang my chemists up so that I could pick up meds early, he just told them that there had been a blip. (im not allowed to collect my weekly medi wallet early unless he says so due to past overdosing behavior). Hes increased my Risperidone (anti psychotic ). Told him I had told my CPN yesterday that I think Im going to end up in hospital again and how unhappy I am with my mental health team and he said they don't seem to be doing a lot for you at the moment. He did say that things will be changing in the New Year as he had plans for my care but he would not say what. He gave me my normal two vials of insulin (Im only allowed 2 at a time due to the overdose I took of it a while back).
Hows this for care hes the on call docter Friday but has told me to go and see him at 9.30am, you would not get many GPs doing that would you? Im aware of how lucky I am to have a caring GP like him. I think at times that I would not be here if it were not for him.
Im sorry if this post upsets/offends people but this is me, this is my life its how I am right now Im fighting a bloody long hard war and there are times when I want to give up but Im determined not to
I'm so glad you have such a caring GP Gail. Don't apologise for what you post, you are a very brave, honest person and I think we all can appreciate what a struggle it is for you at the moment. I hope that the New Year brings good news for you! 🙂
Thank you Northerner your very kind words help me a great deal
Sounds like you've got a good one there. He sounds very understanding and caring.

Keep as well and strong as you can.

Andy 🙂
Gail, you're not alone. I used to 'forget' all the time and get confused about whether I'd taken my meds, also I was quite resentful of the need for a while and may have forgotten 'accidently on purpose'. Till someone told me to put a reminder on my moby. Now it goes off and tells me what pill, how many and when to take them. It works well for me as it gives me a degree of discipline that I needed and I always have my moby with me (it's also my MP3 player). Would something like that work for you?

Your doctor sounds wonderful, I wish mine was liike that.
Gail, you're not alone. I used to 'forget' all the time and get confused about whether I'd taken my meds, also I was quite resentful of the need for a while and may have forgotten 'accidently on purpose'. Till someone told me to put a reminder on my moby. Now it goes off and tells me what pill, how many and when to take them. It works well for me as it gives me a degree of discipline that I needed and I always have my moby with me (it's also my MP3 player). Would something like that work for you?

Your doctor sounds wonderful, I wish mine was liike that.

I get my meds in a medi wallet its divided into morning noon teatime meds and evening. Thanks for having the courage to put you forget 'accidently on purpose' so im not the only one who has done this.
Im very lucky in having the GP I have, hes my rock and is aways there has never judged me and never ticks me off if I mess up. In fact he has saved my life as once when I went to see him i was very suicidal and told him of wot i was planning , within 3/4 of an hour he had me in A+E BEING ACCESSED under the Mental Health Act and I did end up in hospital for a while but thats another story. If I didt have his support I dont think I would be here today
Hi Gail, really pleased you had a good appointment today! Been keeping my fingers crossed for you 🙂 Your GP sounds like a star!

Take care of yourself hun,

Twitchy x
Keep in there Gail. We are all behind you.🙂
Thank you for kind words and support this forum continues to amase me with its care and support
take care all
Gail, your GP sounds great - but dont forget that you are the one who is ill and you do need his support - so try not to feel that you are a burden in any way - its not your fault you have another thing to deal with aswell as diabetes, and you are a very brave and honest person to share it on the forum - so hats off to you Gail - you have a lot of strength and determination and we are all behind you. I hope the New Year brings you what you need.🙂Bev
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