

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just kinda need to get things out my head. We've been trying for a baby for 4 years on and off (off after the T1 diagnosis and had to wait a year to get my numbers stable). When I was given the ok to start again 2 years ago I got pregnant right away but only made it 6 weeks. Then nothing until April this year. Felt different this time, more symptoms and my blood sugar numbers were going all over the place before I took the test. Positive pregnancy test but after a couple of weeks I felt something was off. My symptoms hadn't gone, but they weren't getting any worse. And I wasn't finding it that difficult to keep my numbers in range. Had a scan at 8 and 9 weeks but pregnancy had stopped at 6 weeks again. That was in June. Recovered from that and eager to try again. Took a pregnancy test Friday and it was positive, if very light line but I've got no symptoms. I know it could just be too early but my numbers aren't doing anything odd either which makes me think it's not taking. From last time and what my diabetes nurse said I got the impression that hCG hormone messes with your numbers but doesn't seem to be happening this time. And I didn't find it difficult to keep my numbers controlled last time. I think I was in range 75% of the time.
So, just feeling a bit sad and all over the place. Want it to be real but not feeling it.
Much love to you. The only time I knew for sure I was pregnant was the one I lost. The two pregnancies I carried to term I only tested because of the dates so try not to overthink. I hope this little bean stick
Thinking of you and keeping fingers crossed.
It’s completely understandable to feel like this @Riley19 I had two early losses and I still think about them even though I now have three children. All you can do is wait. Just go along doing all the usual healthy things kind of on automatic and try not to think about it too much. I didn’t believe in my pregnancies until around 14 weeks. The symptoms I got varied hugely, eg in my second pregnancy, I had none, so don’t worry about that. Focus on staying healthy and calm. Fingers crossed for you xx
So sorry for your losses but as others have said, wishing you lots of luck that this time is successful. Try to stay positive. Keeping my fingers crossed for you too.
Try to stay positive and not focus on it. This is impossible I know.
These things happen, they just do, there will be a reason but sometimes it’s just random.
Can you get any support from your diabetes team or GP?
Take care of yourself.