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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, I'm just about to restock my pump supplies and was was wondering if anyone has road tested the Mio Infusion Set?
I'm not a medtronic pumper, but I understand from the another site that the Mio is just the animas inset II infusion set in different packaging, which I use! 🙂 I'm not sure how they compare to other medtronic sets, but I find them really easy to use, and I like that the set comes with its own inserter - makes it really easy to just stick one in my bag! :D
They look much like the Animas sets, I'll be ordering a box for a road test I think. I do like the all in one inserter and set carrier. I might try some silhouettes too.
These things had better be good haha. I've just got five months worth of them coming! Well, I do have a box of quicksets hanging around still so that's alright. I did like the Animas set that Viki gave me at the London meet last November. It's quite the conveniene factor for me with the Mios as I can leave them at work and not have to worry about taking a quick serter everywhere with me. Happy days.
Its down to you then Tom! Please report back when you have tested them out. I'm sure they will be great. I rang Medtronic this morn to see if they would send me a couple out to try before I ordered but no such luck :(
We switched from quickset to sil a few months ago and all is going swimmingly... Medtronic mentioned Mio to me on the phone two days ago, but I wasn't sure what it was about (bit out of loop) -- what's the selling point?! I like the idea of taking the inserter with you, hallelujah....
We switched from quickset to sil a few months ago and all is going swimmingly... Medtronic mentioned Mio to me on the phone two days ago, but I wasn't sure what it was about (bit out of loop) -- what's the selling point?! I like the idea of taking the inserter with you, hallelujah....
All we need now is someone to come up with pre filled reservoirs and our load will be lighter!
Ok, I am getting a little too excited about these things arriving haha. I'll write up the performance of them when I get them. Looks like I might just be doing a set change on the Wednesday haha...

Have you gone for the blue ones?
Oh that would just too good wouldnt it Patricia?! 😉

Thanks Tom for putting me onto the link via FB by the way, I hadnt even heard about them! (shame on me!) and I watched the videolink. Fab.

Needless to say of course, I want some. PINK! 🙂
My Mios get here tomorrow. It'll be a nice thing to come home to after a trying day attempting to comprehend coagulation at work. I love my job really... I'll be flaunting them to the DSN.
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